Yesterday my plan was to get home from work and rest for a few hours before meeting my group that I run with. I knew I was going to go early to get in some added miles. I needed to run a total of 7 to be on my running plan for the Chicago Marathon. I arrived at the parking lot around 5:15 and I got out my trusty water bottle, filled it with nice and set off around 5:20.
I started at Burr and headed south toward Crown Point. I was planning to run 3.0 miles total before my group started at 6pm. 1.5 miles from Burr is just past the Rt 30 under pass along the bike trail. The heat was really bad from just before the underpass and also just past the underpass. After 1.5 miles I really started to feel it. As turned around to walk for about 30 seconds I was completely miserable. My stomach was feeling funny and the further I pushed on the more it cramped. When I got back to the parking lot at Burr street I was a mess. Luckily another good running friend Dan showed up right then. I was telling him how hard the first 3 miles were. I was planning to go another 7 with Dan. Another runner Thomas also showed up as we were talking about the miserable heat.
Pretty sure I looked like this guy |
As we stood there to see if any other runners were going to brave the heat I began to feel worse and worse. I tried eating some ice, drinking water and nothing was working. I even got into my car and let some cool air blow on my face. Eventually I gained some composure and I walked slightly over 1 mile with Thomas. I have never really had a day when running hit me this hard. The heat just really took its toll on me. It really got me to thinking about how every run is different and every day is different. We really cannot be so hard on ourselves. I decided once I pulled out of the parking lot to head home that was it. I was moving past the run and looking onto the next one. We can't dwell on these little things. Not everything is always going to be perfect....
So remember don't beat yourself up. Stride on.
100 Day Challenge (Day 88)
3.0 Mile Run
1.20 Mile Walk
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