Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 14 and 15

Well first there was Saturday. I went out to the Lake County Fairgrounds early so I could make sure we had a good route to take. I am so thankful to every who showed up and took on the 5K Saturday. The weather wasn't perfect but we all made it. Everyone should be very proud! Congrats to everyone who finished!

Today I needed to practice for the Ragnar relay. This is a race that I am running in early June. 200 miles from Wisconsin to Lincoln Park in Chicago. It is a 12 person team. Each person's leg of the race is divided into 3 sections. My total mileage is just over 13 miles. So I got up this morning and ran a 5K on the treadmill at my gym. Then at 5pm I met my running friend Bryan at Countryside Park in Hobart. We ran another 3.5 miles. It was much harder to get myself up and go for that second run. I am glad we went out though and got it in. I can't believe 15 days are completed already!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Deanna! I was wondering where you had gone...I've had to motivate myself :) 12 of 15 days for me now. I think I have been most proud of myself for going out today, the morning after a bachelorette party, for 15 minutes on the eliptical and then a 15 minute circuit on the Cybex machines.
