Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm back

I hope you didn't miss the blog too much... life can get crazy. The one thing that I have learned since I joined weight watchers though this something like this...

So what have I been up to...
100 Day Challenge Upate
Thursday I set out for a 32 minute walk before we went out of town
Friday I had a 40 minute walk with my mom
Saturday I ran in part of a 5K for Diabetes (see below)
Sunday I ran 7.4 miles and thought I was going to die from the heat
Monday I walked for 32 minutes
Tuesday... ZERO... but I got to see my brother (see below)
Wednesday... 10 mile run
Thursday... 3 mile run in a lot of sand
Last weekend started with a wedding... I am really happy for my Lyndsey and her new husband Steve. They had a really hot but beautiful wedding ceremony.

Then bright and early Saturday Morning I went to a 5K with my Uncle Shawn, Mom, sisters and niece for the JDRF... please support Juvenile diabetes research in anyway you can. My Uncle Shawn has now lived over 36 years with it and without support of research that probably wouldn't be possible.

I also got to spend an evening having some good old fashion fun downtown Cincinnati with my sister Jenna, her fiance and Jason.
Jenna and I at Toby Keith's... Beer in Mason Jars... awesome

 We finished off the amazing weekend with Jason's nephews 5th birthday party. Watching kids have that much fun reminds me of how simple life really is.

So far this week has been pretty typical except that my younger brother Jimmy had a four hour layover in Chicago Tuesday so I took him to Giordano's for his first deep dish pizza.

Now I am just preparing for a long holiday weekend...

What are your plans this weekend?


  1. Friday: Lake Station Girls Softball Championship game tonight-taking my daughter.
    Sunday: Cookout at the neighbors house.
    Monday: Lake Station Boys Baseball Sectional Semi-final in the morning with my Dad and hopefully the championship game in the evening.

    Whenever I can I need to catch up on some grading and start typing up my final exams.

    Continue doing well this week with Simply Filling--could be difficult with 2-3 ballgames and a cookout.

  2. I miss when you don't post! :)

    I like the dress you're wearing. So uh...give it to me. But, in my size. haha.

    I'll see you in June since there isn't weigh in Monday!
