Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Nike said it best... Every Damn Day...

Long Days...

Get up for work... yes this is when some people go to bed... 

May Photo Challenge day 9: Something you do every day
Pack lunch... something I never leave home with out doing... I work long hours and I need to feel prepared so that I am not tempted during the day to make poor choices... most days I stay fully on track with with I pack... I often say this is a key essential to my weight loss and maintenance. Planning the day makes it much easier to stick with once you have made a decision.

 I then made coffee and ate my traditional egg beaters with salsa and spinach before running out the door

5:00 Arrive at work and eat Oatmeal since I don't get up early enough to eat both my protein and carb to keep me going through the day

At some point in between I had a few orange slices... 

10:00 Eat some Yogurt with blackberries and banana

1:00 Finally LUNCH. Starved... which is never a good thing... oh and my boss bought Mexican... my favorite... OK!!! I don't normally go away from my packed lunch but today that Mexican sounded really good... I ordered something Vegetarian and it was a very small portion and I didn't go over board on anything else. I also made myself eat my yogurt and strawberries...

4:00ish... crap I should eat something before I run... and now I over eat on wheat thins... Which is so frustrating... I hardly ever do this... this box might end up in the garbage tomorrow... oh and these two pieces of candy look good.

5:00 Out of work... head to meet running group

6:00... 5 awesome miles with awesome running people (100 Day Challenge Day 10: Completed) My commitment to the 100 Day challenge and staying well prepared for my next half marathon has made running during a really busy time at work much easier. 

7:00... Crap you forgot laundry needs changed over.... 

7:15... Only 3 points left.... Oh Salad you look amazing

Yawn... Yawn... Yawn.... 

"You have brains in your head. Your feet in our shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction." Dr. Seuss 

What is something you do everyday?


  1. I hug and kiss my kids everyday.

    And I eat a banana everyday.

  2. Umm I think that should be a thirty one lunch box!! Love ya!
