Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Smells good..

How I spent the few hours I was free from work today...

Started the afternoon off by completing day #8 of my 100 day challenge 5 mile run after work... I met a good running buddy Bryan. Bryan is a really awesome running buddy and we always seem to chat away any run....He has done some really awesome events that I hope to someday be able to do. Today even though I was practically falling asleep driving the run felt great. It was a beautiful day to be outside.
May Photo Challenge Day 7: Someone who inspires you

Between a tiring day at work and then my run I decided dinner needed to be easy to make. What's better than using your grill to do most of the work.
May Photo Challenge day 8: A smell you adore

Cooking Spray
Piece of Tilapia
Cajun Seasonings
Steamed some Brussels Sprouts to go with...

Easy and taste good.

I love how fish is low in points
Easy to change how you make it.

How did you spend this beautiful Tuesday?


  1. 5am--Printer at home runs out of ink.
    6am--Had my ballot rejected by the electronic reader at my polling place.
    8am--realized my progress report grades were due-LAST NIGHT!!!
    9am--started eating chocolate
    9:15am--ate more chocolate
    9:30am--ate even more chocolate
    11:30pm-chose not to eat fast food for lunch and ate my Simply Filling pasta stir fry I had made Sunday night.
    2pm--found out I have to help conduct 8 teacher interviews before next Tuesday
    6pm--skipped Weight Watchers meeting to take sick daughter to Urgent Care
    9pm--ate a pizza
    12:30am (Wedneday)--finished the day on a good note and watched new episode of NCIS.
    Tomorrow is a new day!

  2. I watched NCIS and had pizza for lunch yesterday so apparently we were on the same wave lengths.
