Monday, February 6, 2012

Birthday dinner

Today is Day 6 of the February photo every day and today's topic was: Dinner

Unfortunately it was not exciting at all considering most would have had a special birthday dinner. I did not.

Smart One + Broccoli=Dinner

Easy, quick and rare that I would eat a smart one. I would love some of my Nanny's meatloaf since we always got to pick our dinner on our birthday's. Since pasta is my 2nd favorite this was the quickest way to some pasta. Extra vegetables always makes a smart one much more filling... Of course I had to have dessert so I had apple pie weight watchers yogurt.

What did you have for dinner tonight?

1 comment:

  1. I had Baked Turkey Ziti :)
    It was one of the recipes from the pamphlet that is handed out at the meetings. It was absolutely delicious!! I would have never made it that way.. I tweaked it a little and added a couple extra points.
    Well worth it!
