Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quinoa and Money

I can't believe February is almost over. The topic for the photo challenge on day 27 was something you ate. For day 28 it was money. So here is something I ate plus a way I save money. Let's face it eating healthy is not always cheap. I do love Quinoa though. I bought this huge bag of it at Costco. It is great and can be used in many ways. This can also be made much like a bowl of oatmeal if you are looking for something different for breakfast. It is also really great to combine with black beans, corn and some salsa as a Mexican inspired side.
 Today  I added this can of green beans to a bowl of my quinoa. I also added some cinnamon and about a tablespoon of pumpkin. It made a really yummy and filling snack to have between my two jobs. The green beans I bought at Aldi for only about $.59. There are many ways to save money when trying to eat healthy and one of my favorites is being smart about vegetables. Canned green beans are great to pair with a meal and can normally be found fairly cheap.

Have you ever tried Quinoa and what is your favorite way to enjoy it.


  1. You put cinnamon and pumpkin in with your green beans? I'm not sure I could do that lol.

    I made quinoa the other day for the first time. The texture is weird, and it was different, but I liked it. I added a tiny bit of garlic flavored oil and some Italian seasonings. It was pretty good.

    How much is at Costco? At the Wiseway by our house a small bag was almost $6.

  2. Ooo that sounds good Amber. Yes I am weird I put all kind f weird stuff in my food. The huge bag at Costco was a much better deal. I think it was around $10-$12. I can't remember it has lasted so long.
