Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Moringstar Farms and Boca Products

We all know I love these. They both have  a new product that I am loving so I thought I would share.

The first is the Morningstar Farms Grillers Chicken. Only one point on weight watchers and very tasty. A quick way to make a grilled like chicken sandwich. I would reccomend trying it on an arnold thin with, laughing cow these and some veggies. The nutrition facts are 80 calories 3g fat and 5g fiber. So check out this new one from morningstar farms.

The second product is the Boca Bruschetta veggie Pattie. It is 90 calories 1.5g of fat and 5g of fiber. For only 1 weight watcher point I would defintley reccommend these. I also eeat these on an arnold thin with a few teaspoons of marinara sauce and some laughing cow cheese.

Both of these products are great for whatever plan you may be following so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Watch your chicken sandwich

As weight watchers or for those of us trying to watch our weight tend to have a harder time when eating out because the food is less controlled. We can't measure, weight or know exactly how something is prepared.
Here is a great example:
This is the California Chicken Sandwich from Red Robin. When scanning the menu you may thing chicken and avacado on a sandwich would be a great choice because chicken and avacado are so good for you. With further inspection the cheese and the bacon we find 946 Calories 57g fat and 2002 mg of sodium.

You could sub the Natural burger which only has 560 Calories 24g fat and 989mg of sodium.

My best advice is always to check out as much information as you can if eating out.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Estimating Food

Normally I don't talk too much on my blog about the stuff they talk about at weight watchers but this week was particularly interesting. We were talking about how people estimate calories. Especially if you eat out and you have no clue how many calories are in something? There are some tricks like your fist is a cup and the palm of your hand is 3oz of meat that is about as thick as a deck of cards. So here is a picture of a salad... Ponder for a minute how many calories you think it is... Then scroll down...

This salad is the T.G.I. Friday’s Pecan Crusted Chicken Salad it has 1,360 calories... WOW right? Well this can be shocking. I know we all know the warnings signs for many high calorie foods like fried or breaded. Just remember just because it has the word salad doesn't mean that it is good for you. Don't be afraid to order what you really want especially when you are out to eat. They are there to make you happy right? Check back soon for more shocking calorie shockers and tips!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

So what have you been up to?

I have been so super busy ever since I ran Indy. I have also been lazy and the laptop was also out of comission for awhile. Now its summer and I am busy working in my yard and still running... I found this Itlian Ice and for 2 points* it is a great summer treat. You should try some.

I am still running and competed in a crazy mud race on Memorial Day. I must say it was one of the most fun and most dirty things I have ever done in my life. Since losing weight one thing that I feel I wanted to commit to was not being afraid to do anything. So I ran and got dirty. See photo below. Just remember to stay commited and don't get scared. I think that is something really important I learned over my entire process.