Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Two Paths

There are so many times since I started my journey that I have had to make some really hard decisions.... today I saw this picture online...

This is so true in so many aspects... Today I did this for our100 Day Challenge Day 59: 
Ran 6 Miles in about 58 minutes with a couple of great runners. It was hot... we started too fast for my taste... I was sweating profusely... I was somewhat frustrated by a cramp... here is thing... I took the harder path. I completed the run I needed to complete... We did more up hill the first 3 miles going out on the bike path and the first 1.5 miles of that with an amazing 13 year old who "just wanted to run with us." She pushed us pretty hard and she barely looked winded... We laughed and breathed a sigh of relief when she turned around after 1.5 miles and we continued on into Crown Point for another 1.5 miles. There will always be days when you are pushed out of your comfort zone or you want to talk to the shorter way... Here the thing... easy might not have the best results.

Tomorrow we make our trip to Ohio and its only going to be about 100 degrees.

Which path are you going to chose?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Worth It

There are so many reasons that we have a hard time really going after the things we really want... well start telling yourself this...

It doesn't matter if you are a Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Cousin, Grandparent, Friend... you are. We often find it difficult to do things for ourselves. You are probably much stronger than you even realize. Put yourself as a priority. Today my great grandmother turned 91 years old. That is a lot of life to live... So why not make it your best life. If you are going to live 91 years make the best of it. 

What will you today for yourself?

100 Day Challenge Day 58
35 Min Run... A very warm run. I need to practice in this heat more. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sweet Summertime...

I love warmer weather and I love summer time.

Friday was great.
Nice walk with a friend and her daughter then we were off to the taste of Crown Point. I do love a good beer.... I love Crown Brew and it was the perfect night to be outside..

....But we couldn't stay long since I had to work Saturday morning. After work it was hot but I forced myself to get in my run. I try not to ever left the weather stop me from a good work out.

A good workout though enjoy some fun afterwards... so I hit the beach with a friend... It felt good to have a day to just relax...

Since I was home alone Saturday night I did one of my favorite things... Breakfast for dinner. YUM.

Sunday capped off a nice weekend.
I went to Wicker Park to run my long run with the Opportunity Enterprises group. After our run I joined a group of weight watchers walking.

I also went to free fun run at Imagination Glenn. This event was great. A nice hot run through Imagination Glenn. I really love these free events to get people out and moving. Very exciting for the running community.

100 day Challenge
Day 54... walk around the neighborhood
Day 55... Ran 5 Miles
Day 56... Ran 10 Miles total

Day 57... 25 minute walk around Crown Point

What are you doing to make the most of the summer?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tell Yourself

Today I had a friend share this picture on Facebook and it got me thinking about how this relates not only to running but weight loss which made it the perfect topic for my blog today...

Everything Will Workout:
Its true. There will always be days that are harder than others. When it comes to running I always tell myself sometimes a bad day will come along. When it comes to weight loss it is the same aspect. The key to the weight loss is not letting slips ups determine everything.

This will get better:
When you first start with something they feel hard but they get easier in running or losing weight. The first day or first run will not be easy but you have cannot let the first day or run determine everything.

You are worth of great things:
Many of us forget that we are just as important as everyone else.
Taking time to make running/weight loss a success means dedicating
time for yourself. You are important.

You are loveable:
Love yourself first though. Do not allow negative thoughts. Even
if you have the worst possible run ever isn't it better than sitting on
your couch?

The time is now:
What is stopping you? There is never a time to really get started
so start NOW!

This too, Shall pass:
It doesn't matter how much you fall off track... get back on as
soon as you can. We all have struggles the key is to get back
in line right away.

You can be who you really are:
When it comes to running there are no rules. Some runners are
fast some are slow. The key is that if you get out there you are a runner.
This also applies to weight loss... don't give up everything you really love.
Find ones to enjoy what you really love.

The best is yet to come:
Celebrate every success. Set goals and be proud of them.
The best part is that you set them and you just need to
push yourself to achieve them.

You are strong:
You are so much stronger than you believe. Find that place deep
inside yourself. Don't let anything hold you back. Fight.

You can do this:
Really you can. There is nothing stopping you.

What do you most need to tell yourself today?

100 Day Challenge:
Day 54 June 21st
30 Minute Run

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Holy Moly its HOT!

My car registered about 95 degrees after work today. I am not sure what the official high was but its hot. My run today was 3.13 miles in 28 mins.
100 Day Challenge Day 51 June 19th accomplished
I was drenched in sweat. The run was hard but sometimes you have to be tough. 

Today in my email popped this article from Spark People and Shape Magazine.
The title of the article 5 Secrets of Naturally Thin people really peeked my interest. So here was the list

1. Weigh in Regularly
The study done by Dr. Megan Butryn suggest that adults who lost 30 pounds or more and kept it off for several years they discovered those who got on the scale consistently their weights only varied by 4 pounds or less. I truly believe this one of the reasons for success at weight watchers. I try to remind people what is the worst possible thing that could happen. Just own up to it.

2. Pump up the protein
The article suggest a study done by the American journal of medicine found that women who had the highest level of protein in their diet maintained their weight loss for more than a year. I truly believe that the protein really is an important factor. We don't all have to love meat we just have to make sure we get it in. A few easy ways to do this is to switch to Greek yogurt, include a lean meat at lunch and dinner, try eggs for breakfast or add a meat to your breakfast.

3. Strive for five
.... Fruits and Veggies of course. Really good for you. Help you fill satisfied and there are so many ways to enjoy them.

4. Learn to love exercise
Really... Find something you love. It doesn't matter what it is. You may not ever find the love I have for running but find something you do love. 

5. Eat out less often 
Portion sizes are out of control. If you come to my meetings think about the demonstration of the new kids meal french fries and how small it is and still 3 points plus values. The key is to really make eating out special. I always say that I make eating out "date night." Since our lives are so busy we always try to make the meals we don't eat at home something we actually enjoy.

What habits will you change this week? Stay cool out there... hydrate well!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Tonight someone asked me for some advice to actually getting to their goal. I think this applies to many ideals. If you are working to toward a fitness or weight goal. One of the most famous running quotes by John  Bingham says "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." No matter what your goal is take it in steps. Set small goals for yourself and find small ways to celebrate them as you accomplish them.

Taking weight for example... celebrate every 5 or 10 pounds lost. However like most things in life... do not celebrate with food. Celebrate with something that is going to push you to the next goal.   Often when I am out running I break my run down into parts. Half way to the half way, then we are half way, then we are three quarters, one more mile... half a mile.. Just like I can breakdown a run you can breakdown your goals into parts... You never have to look at the final finish line... just the steps it takes to get there.

What are you willing to do in your life to get to your next goal?

100 Day Challenge Update:
Day 50: June 18th
30 minute walk
Can you believe we are halfway? What are you going to challenge yourself with these last 50 days?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Today we celebrate our Dad's.

 For me there are so many men who have influenced my life.

My Dad
I might not be a daddy's girl. We don't even speak everyday but your dad is always your dad. My dad supports me, loves me and no matter what happens in life I am always his little girl. He taught me about the Reds and about the Big Red Machine. My dad also taught me it is never too late in life. He didn't graduate from college until he was in his 40's. If you really want something you can get it you just have to believe in yourself.

My Grandfather
He taught me many things throughout my life. He taught me to drive a stick shift car and how to care for others. He doesn't have a selfish bone in his body. He loves the flea market and blue grass music. He is quiet but wise. I still can remember to this day how proud he was of me after I lost the weight. One thing I have learned from my grandfather is that no matter what keep going. Life can get complicated but if you have your family around that's all you really need.

My Step Dad Tony
Tony and my mom got married when I was 21 years old. When Tony came into my life he accepted me from Day One. He has helped me move, graduated from college, buy a new car, encouraged and believed in me through many of the important parts of my adult life. He is always made sure I knew how proud he was of me. They say in life you never know when someone will enter your life and what kind of an impact they will make. There will never be enough words me to explain the impact Tony has made on my life. I am so very blessed to have him as a step father.

What makes your Dad special?

100 Day Challenge Update:
Day 47: June 15th
REST... I just plain needed it.
Day 48: June 16th
6 Mile Walk/Jog Dunes State Park
Day 49: June 17th
9 Mile Run

Thursday, June 14, 2012

We all scream for Ice Cream

Its Hot...

When its hot... what's better than ice cream? The problem is that if you are not careful ice cream can be really scary bad for you.

Like some these.. the weight watchers points plus value of these can amount to over 30 points plus values... I always say though the best part about weight watchers if you want to use 30 points plus values on one of these you certainly could because we do not rule out anything. However I am not willing to spend 30 points plus values on one of these... so what are the alternatives? Here are some of the ones I really like...

Fat free Yogurt-- Walmart has some really good flavors. This is one of my favorite flavors. Add a little bit of your favorite cereal for some added crunch. I really love adding fiber one because it is really low in points plus values.

Skinny Cow Ice Cream Cups
4 points plus values
Yummy Flavors

Italian Ice
3 points plus values

I also really love a good sugar free Popsicle or a good old fashion low fat ice cream sandwich. 

Smoothies can also be really good because they never have to be the same. 

Just start with a base of yogurt or milk and add some fruit. I also love to start with a good protein powder, water and some fresh or frozen fruit. 

100 day Challenge
Day 46 June 14th
3 mile run... another day accomplished

What is your favorite summertime cool treat?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy 3 year Anniversary to me!

3 years and 10 months ago I walked into my first weight watchers meeting.  There were ups and downs. Frustrations and celebrations. The great part is that we all go through our journey differently.

Kyle and I at his wedding about 1 month before I joined
There are sometimes I forget how hard it can be to stick with the commitment. In fact losing the weight was much less stressful than it has been to maintain the weight. I find myself finding old habits much faster than I ever did losing weight. However nothing can change how I felt in June 2009 when I hit my goal weight.

 I remember when I saw this picture of myself I couldn't even really believe that in 10 months I changed so much. My little sister had graduated from high school and I hit my goal weight. There was some major celebrating that day. I truly believe the key is not to focus on the journey but believing you will get where you are going. Just like a long car ride to somewhere you really want to go. So don't forget how amazing the destination will be when you get there.

Where is your destination and how are you going to get there?

100 Day Challenge
Day 45 June 13th
Run 5 Miles 49 min

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rough Days

Do you ever have a day that feels like this?

Today the race photos from the Chicago13.1 came out today that I ran this past Saturday. I laughed when I saw them. I look so miserable. There are so many days when the thought of a workout might seem unbearable. The key is to find the inner strength. I have never been someone who thought that you needed to start running to help your weight loss journey and I never will be. There is one thing I believe though that you have to GET MOVING. We all enjoy something different. It doesn't matter if you walk, swim, bike, dance, jump, box or whatever else you like. It just matters that you get doing it. We are not all capable of the same intensity or even the same levels however we are all capable of moving. What if you got up at every commercial on tonight and did something.

Not every workout is going to make you feel like a million bucks.  Some workouts will feel better than others. There will even be days when the thought of hitting the gym or doing anything sounds awful. However I promise when it is all said and done you might feel like this...

I don't think I have ever been more happy to know that I didn't give up. The key is to not give up on yourself. Today I saw this on and inspirational board that I read almost everyday for some positive thoughts.  

Really you are amazing. We just all amazing at something different. 

100 Day Challenge Update:
Day 44 Tuesday June 12th
Ran 3.20 miles 29 minutes
Walk .92 miles 14 minutes

What amazing thing will you do today?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hungry? I don't think so.

One of the biggest complaints you often hear from those who are trying to begin healthy eating is that they will be hungry. Today I saw this picture on one of my friend's Facebook accounts.
Source: NWI Ridge Runners

This really got me thinking about how satisfied we can be making good decisions. I also read an article on one of the most inspirational blogs I read often. Eat what you want and lose weight. Although sometimes we really want the snickers we know the fruit is a better option. The key is balance. If you are going to sacrifice most of your day on the snickers then you need to balance the remainder of the day with some really good decisions.

So I will leave you to ponder this and think about what healthy options you will make today...

100 Day Challenge
Day 42 Sunday June 10th
15 min walk
3 innings of softball
Day 43 Monday June 9th
I had to rest. My body is aching badly from Saturday's run

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I love weekends!

Weekends are great! This one was no exception.
Saturday Morning:
Woke Up 3:50am headed into Chicago for the Allstate Chicago 13.1
Met up with the Chicago Running Bloggers before the race
Back Amanda, Kayla, Zach, Sara, Maggie. Me
Middle: Amanda, Cary
Front: Xaarlin, Kim, Britt

I felt fairly good at the start line. I wish I had been able to go to the bathroom again but the lines were way too long. I also met some really nice people in my starting corral. Even a couple who was in Chicago for their honeymoon and decided to run!

The heat really started to get to me right away. By about mile 4 I was so hot and unable to figure out a hydration routine. I even had to go to the bathroom which I have never had to do at a half. At mile 7 they gave away towels which helped but after another mile or so I was miserable again. They were giving away ice chips and I never should have passed on them... Maggie had the right idea what to do with them... I am really glad thanks to Maggie that I won a free entry. Even as bad as I felt I still feel pretty good about how I did at the race. I had to walk through almost every water stop from 9 until the finish. I knew at mile 10 I wouldn't not make it in under 2 hours. However I always say it is just about finishing for the most part. I knew I just wanted to finish. Not every run is going to be perfect. I am pretty happy with the results.

Once I was done running I headed to the shuttle back the Museum parking garage and ended up talking to a really nice runner named Megan. I love how nice the running "family" can be. After showering and cleaning myself up I set out for some fun. My friend Sherry and I went up to Wrigley Field and saw the Brad Paisley/Miranda Lambert Concert. We had a blast. Sherry is a great friend and we always have so much fun together. 

Then today came. I was tired and slept later than I have in a really really long time. When I was planning my Sunday grocery trip today I remember I had been craving an Arby's Chicken Salad Sandwich. 
How amazing does this look? The problem? Check out these stats:
Calories 840
Fat: 44
Carbs: 81
Fiber: 6
Protein: 34
Points Plus Value: 23!!
Since I only get 29 points plus values per day... I didn't think I could sacrifice this many points so I made my own:

Since grapes aren't really looking that good right now I put a couple cherries in it.
1 can 3oz canned chicken
3-4 Cherries Cut
1/4 apple
1-1.5oz Greek Yogurt Plain
3 halves Pecans smashed up
1 Serving (although you really could make it 2)

This is what it looked like all mixed together

This is what it looked like on the bread as I was about to eat it.

Was this as amazing as the original from Arby's.. well maybe not. Was it worth 4 points plus and another 2 for the bread... Oh yes!!! So making this myself I saved myself 17 points plus values. A  great summer treat for lunch.

What did you enjoy this weekend?

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Recently someone suggested that I stop talking about running so much... so this run will not really be about running but something I find equally loveable... CHOCOLATE!

A customer gave me a box of dove chocolates a couple weeks ago... I have been sloooooowly eating a few pieces here and there... This is much easier said than done. However many times when I discuss my reason for success is never deprive yourself. Not everyday is going to be perfect or go as you want it to. The key is to not let everyday get out of control. One of the reasons that also really like the dove chocolates is that they are only 1 points plus value each. So although you could get out of control if you eat several pieces they are really worth that 1 points plus value. I prefer the dark chocolate because I think it perfectly hits the spot. Although my second favorite by far is the one with almonds. I also really like that all of the candies have these little clever sayings on the inside of the wrappers... today mine said this...

I could not agree more. Especially when it comes to your weight loss journey. There are always going to be days when you have to learn from something. One meal, one snack, one workout... there are so many days or instances that you have to live and just learn from. I often say the key is bounce back as soon as possible. Have a bad breakfast then lunch and dinner need to be better. Never start tomorrow or next week. Start right away. I even admit this isn't always easy for me. I have often thought... well I already screwed up so much. This is the problem. We need to learn and move on. The good thing is that there is always chocolate. Just try to have only 1 piece.

What is your favorite chocolate?

100 day Challenge day 38
4.60 mile run with great friends

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

National Running Day

Today is National Running Day... you know what I truly believe is awesome about running we can all feel accomplished on all different levels. If you ran for 5 minutes straight and you feel good then that is an accomplishment. If you can't run yet so you walked today that's an accomplishment. If like my friend Sara you get out for 1.24 miles with your 4 year old in tow... major accomplishment. There are no rules for being a runner. Being a runner means you go out and give it your best no matter what.

Today I set out for my typical Wednesday night group run in Schererville. I love group runs because I love that there is always someone there who will help motivate you for the run and it almost feels like someone has your back during the run. Today we set out to run between 4 and 5 and we did just that. It felt great and an awesome way to celebrate one of my favorite days of the year. 
100 Day Challenge Day 36 June 6th: 42 minutes running

Did you celebrate national running day?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Something New

The best part about running a tough race is going out to celebrate. After the drive back from South Bend I took some time to relax, have lunch and take a good nap....Who doesn't love good nap.

Saturday evening we headed out to Michigan City for dinner and a night on the boat.

We woke up bright and early Sunday morning and I headed out for my first fishing experience on Lake Michigan.

I learned a lot about fishing... there is a ton involved that I would never have known. It was a great experience and I even caught a fish! I really cannot thanks my boyfriend Jason, his boss Mike and their friend Ken for having me on their day of fishing. I am firm believer that you should not take any day for granted and that you should really try as many new things as possible. I even got to keep some of the fish and will be able to enjoy some really good meals out of it... I have never made fresh fish... I am hoping some of you have some really good ideas for me.

100 Day Challenge Catch up:
Sunday Day 34... Walked around the Marina in Michigan City and played softball... Check!
Monday Day 35... 31 minute walk around Crown Pint on a beautiful day.
Tuesday Day 36... 3.64 mile run

 I also found this new food find. The best part... only 3 points plus values each... I enjoyed them with some yummy asparagus.

Have you tried anything new lately?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sunburst Half Marathon Recap

If you read my blog enough you know I run and I freaking love it. I also really love doing race because you just never know what can happen...

So I completed my 2nd half marathon of 2012..
Sunburst Half Marathon
South Bend, IN
College Football Half of Fame to Notre Dame Stadium 50 yard line

My friends and I went over to South Bend on Friday and had dinner at a local Italian place called Carmela's.  I had a really good Eggplant Parmesan.

Saturday Morning we got up very very early and prepared for the race. My friend Nora and I had to ride the bus from the finish line to the start line.

Then we had to patiently wait... The 5K kicked off while we were waiting but it was slightly chilly so I had my garbage bag to keep me warm. Many runners wear shirts they can throw away. I love the garbage bag because it is perfect for the first mile or so until my body warms up.

Honestly the weather was perfect and there were really several shadded areas and tons of water available to runners. I really enjoyed the course. Several residential areas throughout South Bend and ending at the Stadium where the Irish play. Even a Cincinnati girl like me can appreciate how amazing that place is. I also was so lucky that the weather was so good. Normally they have much higher temps for this race. I got out to a pretty quick start and the miles were just passing by and passing by. Around mile 7-8 I even ran into this girl out on the course. She totally kicked this races butt and I was so excited to meet a fellow blogger especially one who I won a free race entry from. If you click the link you can also read all about her experience from the race. Around mile 10 I was hot and my stomach was really starting to turn. So I walked the next several water stops and really took in some cold water. I have several friends who had previously run the race so I knew that around mile 11 there was going to be 1 more major hill.. I was so ill prepared... the hill really got the best of me... I pushed hard and when I saw mile 12 and could hear all of the cheers that last burst of energy really got me going... I just couldn't wait to get into the stadium and I could see it getting closer and closer. When I looked down at my watch I knew I had already ran more distance than the race was supposed to be so I had to find one more burst of energy when I hit that down hill that took me through the tunnel and I saw 1:55...1:56 I pushed as hard as I possibly could and made it in just the nick of time for a  1 hour 56 minutes and 36 seconds later.... I was the 494th person to cross the finish line. I was the 23rd female aged 25-29 out of 102 finishers.. ... last year I did a 1:56:50 on a full length course. Amazing!! I was so proud of myself and all the fellow runners. I also love a race that gives money to a good cause like the children's hospital. Post race they served up some yummy Popsicle, chocolate milk, fruit, bagels and Cheetos. I loved the Popsicle since I was so warm by the time I finished. and I have recently jumped on the refuel with Chocolate milk bandwagon.

It was an amazing race... I ran almost the entire race with this guy... My friend Tim who hit a PR... He did amazing and I am so proud of him.

Nora and John are some friends from the local area who also preformed really great.

I finished and it was an amazing day....

What did you accomplish and feel good about this weekend?