Friday, May 9, 2014

Kalamazoo Marathon Recap

Since I had signed up for this marathon knowing it was only about 5 weeks after Knoxville I felt good about it. I had several friends go ahead and sign up as well. My awesome friends Lisa and Ron offered their cottage for us to stay for the night so we didn't have to worry about a hotel.

I drove into Kalamazoo with my friends Tim and Sue. We went straight to the expo and picked up our packets for the next day. The expo was very small and there was not really anything to see so we didn't stay long. I was able to get 2 honey stinger gels for only $2 so this was exciting.

After trying to get the most amount of sleep I could the night before (which is practically impossible the night before a marathon) we got up and began our normal marathon morning prep. Shower, dress, check for gels, put Rehydrate in my water bottle, drink some Spark and Rehydrate and eat breakfast. Then we were on our way to the start. It was very windy and cold so we found some indoor restrooms and took advantage of them and took our pre-race photos. We also made sure to let our friends who were pacing that we had made it.

We made our way to the start line and since only the marathon started at 8:00am it was easy to make our way over to it. Sue and I found the 4:30 pace group and lined up with them. Tim went off to the 3:45 and our friend Lisa was right behind us as the 4:45 pacer.

The first 5 miles went by fairly quickly. The first several miles are down and flat. There were a few small rollers and once we hit the University of Western Michigan there were a few small hills. The crowd and the energy was great. After mile 5 the wind was really starting to bother me and I just wasn't sure how the day was going to go. Miles 5-8 went by very slow. We didn't have any water stops and even though there was crowd support 3 miles without water seems like 100 miles. Just after mile 8 we hit the first big hill. The is where the elite pack was passing us headed toward mile 12. Wow look at them go. Just after mile 9 we saw our friends Ron, Tim and the 3:45 pace group. Miles 9-11 were through an industrial park. The wind was brutal. It was either pushing you, blowing you or just plain annoying. Once we came out of the Industrial park and hit mile 11 there was a huge down hill followed by a huge up hill. Sue really pulled me through these next couple of miles because I could tell this was just not going to be my day. Mile 13 is the most exciting crowd supported mile on the course. They have bacon, fruit and lots of people ready to cheer you on. We hit mile 13.10 just shy of 2:13 and I was pumped. We had time to spare and I felt we were on course.

As the race wore on though I just felt more and more tired. I knew from the race the previous weekend that the pregnancy was really starting to make me feel tired faster. I hardly remember miles 13-18. I do know that the wind never gave us a break and I was feel tired. Just after mile 18 we went across a bridge and I have no clue what was in the water but it was the worst smell I have ever smelled in my life. Just after that we made a left turn onto what appeared to be a running/biking trail. It was mostly uphill and I felt like I just couldn't go. It wasn't steep but at this point it felt like it was. Sue and I found our place with some older gentleman who could not have been more sweet. One of them had run 355 marathons! The other's son had  finished 2nd in the half marathon. I thought I could run 2 minutes and walk 1 the rest of the way. It was somewhat going well until the hill right around 22. It was huge. Sue was already to the top before I was even halfway. At the top the nice crowd had Popsicles for all the runners but I just felt awful and wanted to keep going. Miles 23 and 24 are mostly a blur. Sue was too far ahead for me to see at this point. I just kept trying to go forward. I saw a lot of worn out runners. 

Jut after mile 25 I heard a familiar voice day Deanna... I knew it... Lisa my friend who was pacing 4:45 was about to pass me. It took everything in my body to push but after the hill I stayed within a very short distance of Lisa. I was on the home stretch and I could see the finish but it seemed like I just wasn't getting any closer to it. Finally 4:44:04 DONE! It was off from my goal but I did it. Marathon number 6 was in the books and my 5th state was completed. 

I don't know exactly what caused me to just breakdown but I did. Being pregnant maybe?! The wind, the course or only a 5 week recovery after a very tough Knoxville. All could be factors but I'm just really glad I came across that finish line and remained strong! 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Another Marathon and a Blog Annoucement

Most of my readers know this but I thought I would make an official blog announcement...

I'm going to be a MOM! Coming this October!

There are so many things changing but the one thing I do not plan to change is to stop running. This Sunday I am going with some friends to the Kalamazoo Marathon.

As a runner I just want to keep doing what I love. I hope to do it as long as I can. I have overcome most of the tried stage but I can tell I am slowing down. My most recent race was windy but I could tell I just couldn't quite keep the pace I would want. All I know is that I am not going to give something up I love or use my pregnancy as an excuse. I might get slower but my fight will remain the same.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Knoxville Marathon Race Recap

Well its been nearly a month but I am ready to recap the Knoxville Marathon as I am preparing for the Kalamazoo marathon this weekend. When my friend Sue was the winner of the free entry to the Knoxville Marathon back in November I kept my commitment and signed up. The training this winter was BRUTAL but I felt ready. I decided to run this one in honor of my Nanny since it was her birthday.

We arrived in Knoxville Saturday afternoon and picked up our packets. Found a cute little spot for a last minute carbs and headed back to our hotel for as much sleep as possible.

The next morning we were lucky our hotel was very close to the start line. So after a quick bagel with peanut butter and taking some Spark I was ready to head outside. At the start line we were a bit cold but once we took off the first hill right away I was already feeling warmer. 

The first 3 miles seemed to fly by but it was crowded since the race also included a half marathon. Sue and were really impressed by all the entertainment. By the far the best had to be just after mile 6. They had signs every where and really kept our mind off the race. Then came mile 7... the largest hill of the race. I started to slowly jog up when Sue really kept it in perspective and said lets conserve our energy and walk. Once we made it just past mile 12 the half marathon split off to complete their race and we continued on. As we headed out for the 2nd half of the race I was still feeling pretty good. As we continued through the race I could tell I was feeling tired. We hit mile 19 and I was starting to feel the race. We hit another rough hill and I knew again I had to take it slow. As I approached mile 20 I just kept pushing on. Sue was right there with me until about 21 and this was the first time I realized she was not side by side with me. The volunteers continued to be great. As the later miles approached I knew I was slower than I wanted to be. I knew that mile 24 was going to be a hard mile so I was trying to prepare for it. As the mile approached I had no idea just how it was going to hit me. Mile 24's hill hit me harder than I could have ever imagined. After that I was just exhausted. At the top of the hill there was a very long bridge and I was trying to make it all the way across and the fatigue just hit me. I finally hit mile 25 and was feeling better knowing I was closer. As we came down the hill I thought maybe it was finally some relief but I was wrong. Another incline with the 26 mile marker at the top. Once I finally managed my way to the top I took off. I ran as hard as my body could physically let me run and into Neyland Stadium where the finish was. I hear my name "Deanna Grimes, Merrillville, Indiana" and I just smiled.

 I had done it. 26.2 miles and marathon number 6 and state number 4 was in the books. 4 hours 38 minutes and 02 seconds. Sue came in right after me and I was glad to be reunited with my two favorite running buddies Tim and Sue.

Jason was right there waiting with warm clothes for us of course! 

My slowest marathon to date. In the coming weeks many have asked how it went and I just keep saying I finished. The truth is that is really what I was happy about. I found out about 30 days prior to the marathon I was pregnant with my first baby. The week of the marathon and including the day of I was sick to my stomach and exhausted. I did do it though and that's what matters. Not all the races go as planned but I finished and that is really what matters.