Let first by saying knowing that I have a little girl on the way has been really exciting time. Our first baby shower is this upcoming weekend and I am really glad I am still able to run. Although I am much slower I am glad I am still able to put one foot in front of the other. So as you go through the photos you will certainly notice the growing "belly..."
Gallery Gallop-one of my first races back after Knoxville. Sand is the keyword for this race. It was so beautiful running on the beach though. Plus a 2nd place age group award never hurts.

Got up the very next morning and ran the Chicago Spring Half Marathon- really took this one easy. It was a beautiful day on the lakefront and I finished in 2:0323

Soldier Field 10 Miler- Loved this race last year. I was slower but had a great time with my running peeps.

Memorial Day weekend is always capped off with the Xtreme race in Portage. Always though, always fun!

This year I got I signed up for our local XYZ Trail racing series. The first weekend in June was the Blackcat Strut. It was a short race so it made me feel fast. Followed by a night race over in Gary that was also short but I won a pineapple!

The next weekend was followed by our local Duneland YMCA's Firecracker race. A muggy morning but this is when I really started to nice that it was going to be tough to keep up with the super fast ladies in my age group. I got 6th place though!

So I went out for another one because why not? The Public Enemy 5K was a pretty tough race but I had a great time seeing so many friends and all the cool stuff that my friend Tim Fealy brings out for his awesome local races.

Then we took our little girl to the beach for the first time... I can't wait to tell her all about it.

When we returned we hit one of the toughest 5K's in Northwest Indiana, the Running Wild for the Washington Park Zoo. 1 mile of sand is really hard to run on when its not easy to run on sand. I finished and had a great time.

I followed that race up with our local 5 Miler called Buckley. It was hard. I ran better than I thought I would and look at all these friends I had there! Still on pace to finish all the XYZ races... I probably won't but I am giving it my best.

Last week I went out for another 5K, Running up the Scoreboard. I was just over 3 minutes slower than last year when I was in prime shape so I can't be too upset.

Needless to say I am still moving. I am still a runner and just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you can't do what you really love. I am really proud of myself for continuing to do what I can do.

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