Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What would you give up?

So tomorrow is Ash Wednesday or the beginning of Lent for those who follow my blog that are Cathloic...I was reading a fellow weight watchers blog about how she is giving up soda. I know how hard this will be for her because I also gave it up not so long ago. This also got me thinking though if someone asked you to just give up one thing that you knew was no good for your diet could you? Do you have the willpower? Weather you are Cathloic, Christian or don't believe at all can you do something for 40 day that is just well plain good for your health? Do you hit the salt shaker hard and know you need to give it a few less shakes or maybe you drink a lot of soda like my fellow weight watcher. I got to thinking to myself don't we owe to ourselves to make at least an attempt to make some good healthly choices even if isn't faith related. However like some people whom I know read this blog don't we need to have a little faith and not only in God but in ourselves? So what are you going to do to make better choices for the next 40 days that could impact the rest of your life?

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