Monday, March 8, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

Ok so maybe champions is an exaggeration but this is offically my new favorite breakfast and I hope that you enjoy it. These new bagel thins are inspired by the arnold thins and are only 110 calories, 1 gram of fat and 4 grams of fiber (1*point) then add some laughing cow cheese (1 Wedge is 1*point) and finally 1/2cup egg beaters for 1*point. Toast the bagel add the cheese and egg and ENJOY! You can also use 3 egg whites if you don't use egg beaters or one full egg for an extra point. Also a few strips of turkey bacon would really make it yummy also. SO ENJOY!


  1. Yum! It looks good! I haven't seen the bagel thins here yet, I'll have to look again tonight at the store!! I heard about them and was excited! :)

  2. I totally love the bagel thins! I had some better n' peanut butter and made myself a peanut butter and jelly bagel sandwich. It was actually really good! I think everything probably tastes better on a bagel thin. My next trial will be a bagel thin pizza.
