Yesterday I kicked of my running weekend at the Ruff, Tuff and in the Buff 5K. It was wet, snowy, cold and FUN!
I made my way out to the Taltree Arboretum with Jason. Lots of familiar faces were at the race. I had no idea what to expect from the race but wasn't too worried since it was a 5K
Todd one of the race organizers was giving some basic instructions of the course and then we were off to line up. One of the things I really enjoy about trail running is the often relaxed crowed. People were very relaxed and just ready to run. Todd made the horn sound and we were off.
The first stretch ended up being through a good amount of high snow. So I made sure to pick up my feet and try to take long and high strides in order to get through it quicker. The next stretch I could see ahead was basically a small pond. I saw a few try to go around it and fall. I decided well time to dive in. I went straight right on through the water. My feet were soaked. At this point I was still somewhat full of adrenaline I didn't notice right away. Then all of a sudden it hit me... OMG my feet are numb.

I plugged along. Laughing and joking with fellow racers near me. Jason was just ahead of me so I focused on trying to pull harder to keep him in my sights. As we rounded a corner I noticed that a fellow runner Steve had fallen so I checked on him and he said he was fine. The next stretch was fairly snow filled. At this point my fellow running friend Tim had caught up to me and he said run in the middle there is more water but its easier to get over I tried that then I saw a good path on the left so I ran there for a second. Just up ahead I saw some people slip sliding through an area. As I approached I caught up to a couple of young boys. The moved and let me pass so I told them good job guys! Of course they told me the same. Even more reasons to LOVE trail running. Once we made a turn I knew what was up ahead since I have done races at Taltree in the past. As we got up the hill and I saw the gravel area I could see some very slick spots and at the bottom where fellow runner Michelle was out snapping pictures of everyone it was a small pond.

Then as we ran up one more hill I could hear race organizers Jen, Heather, Phil and Bret cheering and directing everyone.
Then I was off for loop 2... The photo above is where they told me one more loop and I said oh can't we do a few extra. Loop 2 was less crowded because the runners were much more spread out. Since I knew exactly how the course was going to go my goal was pick it up a bit. I had a few slip ups but I was able to push hard through bits and pieces. There was a bit more water in spots from all of the runners tromping all over the course. As I came down the gravel area again I decided since I was so close I was going to cruise. As I made my way to the pond at the bottom I could hear a few runners closing on me.
So I pushed straight through the pond and up the hill. Once again race organizers Jen and Heather were waiting. Then I saw Phil and Todd encouraging me to go hard to the finish so I did. I mean hard. I pushed as hard as I could possibly push through the finish 29:33 37th place out of 86 runners and 1st place in my age group!!
Overall a great way to kick off
Northwest Indiana's XYZ series. I enjoyed it. The hot chocolate post race tasted like heaven.
Then came Sunday. As a runner in marathon training mode that means every weekend is dedicated to a long run. Between the snow, cold and rain we had this week that made our normal bike trail run impossible. So my friends Tim, Karrie and I met at a school. We decided taking a tour of Schererville would be much easier. We were aiming for 9 miles and then back to the cars for a break. We hit our cars at 9.25. Karrie headed home since she was only there for loop one. The Tim and I decided to just do another shorter loop aim for anything of 15 or more. We hit our cars at 15.13. Today was slightly tough because Karrie and Tim run a faster pace than I do. I decided to try to push myself a little today. They slowed a bit and I tried to hang tough. The cold wind that hit us a few times was not easy but we made it through. Feeling pretty good post run! I am glad it was Sunday Funday so I had plenty of time to relax after my run. Only 11 more weeks until Knoxville!