Thursday, January 2, 2014

13 weeks and Counting...

As a runner we all have different goals and reasons for running. Although I am the first to say we are all runners no matter how far, how fast or the reason that we go out the door. The thing that tends to seperate us is distance. Some of us just crave those long runs. As a long distance runner myself I have learned that those who run long distance do not all do it the same. For me I have to have a new goal and a plan. I know plenty of runners who don't make plans or even race that often. I am not sure that there really is a right or wrong way. I personally believe in doing what works for you.

Now that we are in the new year its go time. My boss even asked me today... so what happens next. I told him next marathon up. I have just about 14 weeks until the Knoxville Marathon. I have never trained through the winter for a marathon but now its go time. Although I am nervous about the weather I feel confident that I can just push through. The holidays really got the best of me this year and so now is really a time to sit back, reflect and make a new plan. After how extremely difficult 2013 was for me I am not going to let any of that hold me back from getting back on plan. 

So the treck begins... I am excited and nervous about training for such a long distance through our brutal winter weather. The great part is that I am so lucky to have such a great running community to be part of. I have so many great running buddies and great events that I know I can push through. I am considering signning up for a half marathon about two weeks prior as a warm up... 

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