A fellow runner in my local running community named Karen whom I have grown to know a little more recently often will shout who loves running? Karen's enthusiasm for running is so contagious. You cannot help but laugh or smile when you are out running with Karen.
Seriously she can crack you up!
Hi I'm Karen and I LOVE RUNNING |

Sometimes though we need a little reminder that really... I do LOVE running. It doesn't matter with who, what, when, where or why we are running. Running is a sport about just going out and doing it. Often you don't need much. All you need is shoes and out the door you can go. I have seen some people recently who seem to have lost sight of what the running sport should be about... RUNNING. The best part is that there are so many places to run, people to run with or even ways you can run. You don't have to be a Ultra Marathoner to be a runner. You have to just go out the door put your feet to the ground and go. It doesn't matter why or how for long. For me I just love what it has done for me. After picking up the sport of running I have a found belief that truly anything in life could be possible.
Just like when I am training for a marathon.
I pick a race.
I set a training schedule.
I follow through with the training schedule to the best of my ability
I set out for the race. Sometimes I hit my goals and sometimes I don't... I always cross the finish line.
So tell me do you LOVE running?
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