Monday, December 3, 2012

Back to Basics

We often have times when we all struggle. Even though I started this journey nearly 4 years ago and I have been a lifetime member for over 2 years there are still times when we get off track. The key is to get back on as soon as you can. I really truly believe it is all about the basics. One of the great things about Weight Watchers it that they provide so many great tools. Yesterday officially launched their new Weight Watchers 360 program. It is a way for Weight Watchers to really provide 360 degrees of support so that members are more successful. The thing is that we are all human and have typical human behaviors. In order to really get back on track myself I decided to take full advantage of some the great new tools Weight Watchers offers.

Tracking. This is the new 3 month tracker that Weight Watchers offers so many things I love that truly believe that can apply to so many of us.

Each week it asks you to plan for your activity. I think this is the key to success when it comes to make a commitment for exercise  For many people like me who run tend to get lazy when they are not training for an event. I think the way to commit to exercise on a weekly basis.  
The page also asks you to really think about your focus for the week. I think the key to focus on what you really truly believe will help make your week a success.

They also have pages so that you can prepare your weekly meals. I think this would be a great way to prepare not only your week but also even what you need from the grocery on a weekly basis. This page also asks you which "space" in your environment you want to focus on and how exactly you plan to take control of this space.

Then of course they have the 7 days of tracking per week.  The key when you are getting back to basics is really truly putting down as much as possible. The more honest you are the more you will benefit from tracking. Every bite, every lick and every taste.

Focus on the small things and get back to basics.


  1. This is a great post! I'm excited to see how the new program is for you!

    1. Especially being a leader for weight watchers it will be interesting to see if my life changes based on what we talk about in meetings.

  2. I like your entry for your activity plan: "Ran Marathon." Just like it's a normal activity! :-)

    1. ha ha Pete! It totally counts though... 54 activity points earned!

    2. Awesome. 54 points is good for at least a dessert or two! :-) I take it that "marathon" is in the Weight Watchers list of activities? How about "ultra-marathon?"
