Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Today I ran across this photo of myself.

I think there are so many times when we need to stop and evaluate our progress. I believe I was about 20 years old in this photo.. so this was probably taken about 9 years ago. I am still amazed at the amount of things I have been able to accomplish that I know when this photo was taken I never could have even imagined. 

~I have lost at least 50 pounds... I know I lost this much on Weight Watchers and now lead meetings to encourage others to do the same. 
~I actually know what portions and what good eating habits are.
~I believe in myself and know that so much more is possible that I ever believed.
~I have run 2 marathons, 1 trail marathon, too many half marathons to count and many other races. Just the fact that I even get of my couch and do anything is amazing thinking I came from the place I was in the photo above.

There are so many more things to be proud of. I highly suggest reflection every once in awhile to remind yourself how far you have truly come. It is possible you will never go from couch potato to marathon runner but I encourage you to find the success that makes you feel proud. 


  1. I just found a picture of me from 12/2010 before I started WW and I was shocked. Then I compared and while my loss isn't as much as yours (I'm getting there!), it is a lot compared to that picture.

    1. That's great Amber. I really hope you can keep pushing. I know you can do this. Just stick to it.

    2. You are part of the inspiration-I've only encountered old women at previous meetings and then there you are, my age and doing it. I'm definitely going to stick to it. I'm holding myself way more accountable now. :)
