This week as weight watchers 360 is launching in meeting room we are discussing how are new plan is really to help our members in so many different aspects of their daily lives. One thing we are asking them at the end of each meeting is to make a commitment for the week. The thing is they don't have to be anything extremely difficult just something to focus on. I truly believe this is the key to being successful not only at weight loss but most aspects of life.
If you are a runner reading this blog think about it... Focus on what you really want to get out of your run that day and what might make it a success and go after it. This week when it comes to running I have really decided to focus on not pushing myself. Often times as runners we push ourselves well beyond our limits. Coming off my second marathon of the year I know this week is all about giving my body some time to recover. However this doesn't mean just totally taking the week to sit on my couch. Today I completed a 3.44 mile run at a very nice slow pace with my Tuesday night run group. This run did not push beyond any limit with my body but it allowed me to move my legs just enough.
If you are not a runner and you are reading this blog as motivation to lose weight then think about it like this. There are so many things that stand in our way. However instead of focusing on the big picture focus on one element you know you want to focus on for the upcoming week and only focus on that. We don't have to focus on everything at once just one small thing at a time.
This week I am focusing on actually keep track of all the little things I often don't really keep track of every week. For example coffee creamer. While it doesn't seem like something that would make a big difference but it truly can.
What one thing are you willing to focus on?
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