For the first time in 2013 I feel relaxed to say... "Just a few races." This of course is laughable to my non runner friends. How can you cap off another amazing year? A year in which you set your mind to accomplish even higher heights and things you felt unimaginable...

Air Force Marathon with PR-

Indianapolis Marathon-

Indianapolis Monumental Marathon with better time than 2011-

Marathon Maniac- 

Giving myself a check feels right because I hope it is true. Then I start to think about how my boss always talks about setting the bar even higher. I honestly never want this not to be my goal. I can only hope even if just one person makes the decision to go after their goals I've done something but really I know there is always more and I can keep going to get more and more!

Maniac #7895
Inspire others

In reality my next short term goal is the Rock N Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon. This will be the first time I ever run a race this distance to help someone else achieve a goal. I have run many half marathons since my running journey began. This will be the first time though I help someone else from start to finish. Of course lately I am starting to wonder weather I can keep up... So my goal is totally enjoy this race. I may even take my friend Tim theory of counting how many high-fives I can get in one race. I know there are runners whom I fully respect shaking their head at this theory... why because they are extremely awesome and competitive runners. I'm just not one of those. So I plan to fully enjoy this race and take in every single moment of it.
When I return from Las Vegas I will continue to prep myself for my spot on my Huff relay team. I am coaching some of those are totally awesome an want to tackle the entire 50K. As much as that sounds like an amazing experience this girl's body just needs a break.

Its almost the end of the year so I am also setting goals for 2013. Although my running circle tends to feel bigger and bigger every day I am still very loyal to a small group. I love them and enjoy the small circle I have with them inside my huge circle of running friends. I am thinking Michigan in the spring will be my next major goal. I have been telling myself since the end of 2012 that I want to attempt or try something new every year so I guess I better start figuring out what 2014 is really going to bring to me. In the mean time I am pretty happy that all of my 2013 goals have been accomplished.... at least so far.

I hear the Vegas race is special since they shut down the main street there. I'm sure you'll have fun!