Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pre Work Out "Mini" Meals

So today I was reading an article about preworkout mini meals. Lets face it... being active is important. Burn more than you take in. I don't think any of us fail to realize how important that is. I often eat the same old thing before I workout. A piece of fruit or some cut up veggies along side some sliced turkey or chicken. I haven't really ventured further than that because I know its ok with me. Of course I know there are things that don't work. For example things like 100 calorie packs or other low calories "bars" do not work for me. I think for the fact that it is just a processed foods and not enough to sustain me through a workout. The article recommended six different options:
1. Cheese and Fruit (like laughing cow cheese wedges) I can say this never really crossed my mind as something to try.

2. Protein bar. The article recommended a brand called "Kind." If you are like me and google things when you don't know the answer then I suggest google for about a million articles on the best/worst protein bars. I am not a fan. They are expensive and I really leave me wanting something that is actually sweet and satisfying. I have tried several different kinds and none are really something I have to run and buy a store out of.

3. Greek Yogurt with honey. Many people know how much I love Greek Yogurt. It has at least twice the amount of protein in it compared to regular low fat yogurts. I love that you can just add some fruit or some cinnamon and it taste great. However I am not much of a fan of milk products before I work out. This is a personal choice. I defintly recommend Greek yogurt for almost anything though.

4. Hard Boiled Egg and OJ (8oz) Ok this reccomendation is clearly for those who do the early morning thing. I do not do the early morning thing. Although I do think the hard boiled egg thing could work no matter what time you workout.

5. Whole grain waffles (like Kashi) with nuts or peanut/almond butter. I like this idea. Good carb and protein factors. Although again this is for the early morning workout crowd. I already have to get up for work at 4AM so my schedule doesn't allow me to do that. Let me know if you try this and like it.

6. "Farmers cheese" with tomato on whole wheat crackers. The article claims that farmers cheese is very similar to cottage cheese. I don't know much about this and I honestly doesn't show anything like something I would eat before a workout.

So that was the end of the article. I still like the idea of a fruit and protein. A good healthy carb and some protein. Are there other options you love? Let me know!

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