Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Move it

Monday on the Biggest Loser they had a topic of Move More. Although I'm not a fan of everything that comes with the show I couldn't agree more that sometimes we just need to move more. Last year I did a 100 day challenge of working out for at least 15 minutes per day. After seeing this show and thinking how true it is that sometimes we just need to get moving. This week capped off the beginning of my 2013 challenge of moving more.

Yesterday I let Jillian kick my butt with her 30 minute Extreme Shed and Shred. The thing I always say and that I learned from Jillian is that you don't have to belong to a gym to get Ina good workout. I take my laptop to my basement pop n the DVD and I'm ready to go. Especially on a really cold winter day it's nice to just hit my basement and go to work.
Source: amazon.com via Deanna on Pinterest

Today I met my friend Bryan for a run. The great parts about becoming a runner is that you need so little to get it done. Warm clothes, my iPhone and running shoes was all I needed today. I got to spend 30 minutes just chatting away with my friend about his recent trip to Florida.

Today I saw this and thought this is exactly what I think I need to tell myself everyday...

So my adventure begins... How many days will I complete a workout in 2013.


  1. Great job Deanna! I'm trying the 100 Day Challenge again. I set a 10 minute minimum for myself. The past few days have been hectic and as much as I have wanted to run, it just wasn't in the cards. It has been nice at the end if the evening when I want to head to bed that I can tell myself no, I've made a commitment to myself top do at least 10 minutes of activity so I find an ondemand workout and get it done! Good luck...you are awesome and will hit this year out of the park!

  2. There was a special on PBS a few nights ago on the science behind weight loss. One of the tips they had was to get off the bus a stop sooner than your stop and walk the extra distance, or walk up the escalator. In other words, like you wrote, just move a little more. Another interesting thing was that cheese is not very fattening as it passes through with very little fat getting absorbed in the body. Another one was to eat most meals in soup form, as it fills the stomach for longer!

    1. Interesting. I really believe a little more can help.
