Team Blisterfoot
2 Vans
14 People (1 driver, 1 volunteer, 4 Guy runners 8 Girl Runners)
199 Miles
36 Legs
I can't speak for my entire team but I really had a blast at my 2nd Ragnar Relay. I think first I would like to thank our Swat Volunteer Ruby. She has awesome! I also want to thank Tim the driver/supporter of Van 2. He was so much help.
I was runner 12 so my van headed over Friday morning for the start to see van 1 off to the running.
Then we went back to the hotel, showered and decided we needed a car wash. We ended up at probably the most entertaining car wash EVER!

Then made our way to Exchange 6 where we would start running. We got there with plenty of time to spare. Just before Bryan took off they explained his leg was going to be longer than expected. He really got put to the test with a very long leg. He rocked it like usual. Since I was the last runner I still had plenty of time to prepare. As I finished my leg is when the rules for putting on the night gear were approaching so I made sure we wear all my awesome safety gear even though it was day light. So I brought us to a park where our Van finished all of our first legs of running. My leg was 6.7 miles but it ended up being 6.84 on my garmin. It was supposed to be considered hard. There were a few hills but it was not the hardest run I have ever done. I really enjoyed the run and got into a good pace. I did feel frustrated when I saw a team change runners during the leg which is not allowed according to the rules.

We grabbed some quick food and then headed for showers and rest. Around 11pm or so we headed out for second runs of the race. Night running is crazy, run and gives you that runners high for sure. All of us did pretty good running at night since we agreed no girl would run alone. Bryan started us off strong, Annette and Amy also pulled really strong runs. Tim had a long run and he was getting really tired and so was everyone else. Tim brought in a really strong run to pass to me.
Our "driver" Tim ran with me for my leg. We joked after how runners can run in almost complete silence and its totally fine. Once we got close to the lake my leg I could see the first peaks of day light. Watching the day break is just not something you appreciate until you see it.
Then it was time for some more rest... we were at the YMCA... we tried to get as much rest as we could but then we felt we should head over to the next check point. Once we go to the exchange we realized we were very early so we opted for some more rest. Around 11 am Bryan then took off for our final legs to bring it to the FINISH! Finally Tim came in and sent me off on the final leg of the race.
Team BlisterFoot Finishes |
My final leg was supposed to be 8.2 miles and I was going to bring the team to the final finish line. I started at Northwestern University and made my way to Robbins Park. I was going pretty good but there was some constructions and bad sidewalks that made my pace get out of wack. Then we headed into Robbins park and I was feeling pretty good. I made a turn and I saw the lake and it was looking so good. Once I hit what looked like the final stretches near Lincoln Park it was full sun. I started getting really warm and it started to slow me down. I then made a turn and I was able to see the finish line in my sights. Then I really knew I was getting close so I could see the final stages and my team. I grabbed my team shirt and threw it on so we could all finish together.... and we did. Team Blisterfoot finished.

I really cannot speak for the
entire team but I am really glad I was invited on this team. I had a blast. One
of my best friends Bryan came and was in my van so that made it fun. Tim was a
runner in my van he is always entertaining and fun. We also had Sue who I have
become great friends with and we always seem to laugh. Tim a good friend came
as a our driver, pacer and photographer. He was awesome. I was really glad to
get to know Annette and Amy. They were great fun and great teammates.
Overall I had a great time running Ragnar 2013. Ragnar is an amazing experience. It is fun, exhausting, and a 199 miles of running.