Monday, June 24, 2013

No Excuses

Today I had all intentions of running with a group I am coaching to their first 5K. Then the storms came... So I decided to head home since no one was there. I got home and felt so frustrated that I was unable to workout today. After dinner I felt I had to get something in so I set put fort basement.
i recently joined a summer fit challenge and I love that his groups motivates me to want to not make excuses. I don't want say much more about the fit challenge on the blog just yet. However the other women in the group are all moms and probably more busy than I am and always make time. Our coach Hillary posted a picture of herself going at it in her basement and I just knew I had no excuse.

So to the basement I went. I decided on 30 minutes. I warmed up with 5 minutes of ab/core work. Then I rotated between 1 min of cardio and a strength move. Mostly I sprinted from wall to wall during the one minute cardio. I did do a few sets of jump rope, jumping jacks and butt kicks. 
I rotated the strength between squats, lunges, kettle bell swings, squats with arm curls, dips and push ups.  

All in all that is what my gym looked like today. You don't have to be the best you just have to believe you are. Work hard and it pays off... Don't let anything be an excuse. I mean you can practically see the sweat dripping off of me...

1 comment:

  1. you changed your background! boo
    What is this basement thing you talk off!
    Great job getting and indoor sweaty workout in! I need to start getting a towel out from my runs from how much sweating this humidity is causing, i could slip on the floor!
