Friday, June 28, 2013

Run for Freedom 5 Miler Race Recap

Yesterday I set out for a very hot race. The Run for Freedom 5 Miler at Wicker Park.

I arrive early and worked the Calumet Region Strider tent.

I really wanted to take it easy and not push myself too hard at the race. So the first couple of miles I took it nice and easy.

As I approached mile 3 a lady in her drive way said the storm is coming. I thought ok great I'm going to get wet. At mile 3 I saw water. The guy in front of me knocked the remaining water off the table. So I didn't get any. Since I knew the rest of the park very well I knew what to expect. The final water stop was also out of water. Then the wind picked up. I looked at my watch just about .50 to go. Then the rain came, the wind came, the very hard rain came. It was the worst less than a mile I have ever run. It broke my iphone but I finished. 2nd place in my age group! I was also 43 out of 132. I finished and I proud. Now I am going to the beach for a week...
With Jennifer at the finish. She was 2nd overall female... she is totally awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job on #2! Sorry to hear about your phone. Mine broke in the rain the other day :(
    Have fun at the beach! Glad you switched your background back!
