I was very nervous for this race. My body didn't seem ready for another marathon but I knew it was ready enough to finish. My amazing mom and sister agreed to come with me. I had won the entry n a silent auction so I knew I just had to fight on. The weather was far from ideal... Rainy and windy. I huddled under a tree with my mom and sister until it was time to line up. Finally they asked us to line up. I got into my corral and met Andrea, she was looking for the same pacer as me. We couldn't find the 4:15 pacer so Andrea said will I'm only doing the half but I can run with you for 12.5 miles.... This sounded like a great plan.
We took off... We were just took fast, we would slow down but them sped up. Never consistent. Andrea was so nice and knew the course. We knew we had to be easy because the first bug hill was at 3. After mile 3 the miles started to go by very quickly. Around mile 4 Sarah approached us and she was going for her first ever full. I was super excited to meet someone like her. The miles were just flying by. We knew mile 10 was our next hill... So we tried to really keep pace easy. Andrea dropped back at the hill but easily caught us again. It seemed like no time and we were wishing Andrea good luck on her last .60 to finish her half. Sarah said to me ok it's just us. My stomach felt funny but I pushed on and soon enough 13.10... HALFWAY... I sent my mom a text that said 13.
From 13 all I wanted to do was make it to 17 where the race has a big cheering section. Around 14 I had to go in a port a potty, I almost fell because it was full of mud. Just after 15 Sarah said ok we need to pray. She said the most heartfelt prayer for both of us and I knew no matter what happened we could do it. At 16 Sarah and I started to feel happy. As mile 17 approached there was no cheering section in my sights. We turned a corner still no one my heart started to sink. Then we went down a wooded bridge and turned a corner and there were people everywhere... All of a sudden I hear.. "Go Dee!! Yay Dee." My mom's voice... It warmed my heart and give her a kiss. The off we went. Sarah was pulling me hard... My stomach felt funny again at mile 19 and I had to stop. At mile 20 I thought ok I. An do this but my body started to fight me... Just before mile 21 I saw my mom and sister again, I told them I'm hurting... My mom just simply said you got this. At mile 21.5 my body just was tired. I sent Sarah on her way. I just couldn't keep the pace anymore. I thought ok just try to jog a half mile at a time.
By 22 I took a break and sent my mom a note that I was walking. This is where I met Ali. She said are you walking the rest of the way... I said I just want to finish no matter what. She said my shin hurts and I just can't keep pace with the guys I was with. I thought if could walk/jog I could finish in 4:30, but just after 22 I tried to jog again but couldn't. It hurt. At 23 I told my mom 23...walking. Of course she said ok keep going. My hamstring and glut were screaming. So at 24 I sent another message to my mom... Still walking. She replied it's ok... Once again 24 same message she replied again you can do it... This is when Ali started to just talk. I won't tell Ali's story because I can't do the story the amazing justice it deserves... All I can say is that she is probably the most amazing runner I have ever met. I will never forget Ali. Every time I start to doubt myself I will think of Ali. Every time I think it's hard or I can't do it I will think of Ali. I told her well let's run when we see mile 26... At mile 25 I told Ali that I hear this was a hard mile. The man at the marker was so nice and was like you got this ladies!! It made me smile.
Just after 25.50 I hear someone yelling my name... My mom and my sister were at the next turn... I told them as I approached them I just want to finish. They said well we can walk. If I would have had tear they would have come out. I was so happy to see my mom and sister. So they followed us.
Then we turned another corner and I looked up only to see another familiar face... Sue... She is the Indiana RRCA rep and how I was able to win the entry into the race. She hugged me and said I'm running you to the finish. I was so overwhelmed that I just took off.
FINISH!!! 4 hours and 36 seconds! It may not be a PR and it's even my worst time but you know what I'm still round. My head is still up high and I finished!!!