Monday, July 16, 2012

Work hard and Earn the Sweep

One of the most difficult steps in the healthy lifestyle is loving yourself enough and working harder. It never seems to get easier. I often tell weight watcher members to remember how important they are. You are an extremely important person to someone but you have love yourself just as much as you love them. Make your food choices and your work outs important. The one thing I have loved about becoming a runner is really seeing what I am capable of.
The last few days have been great...
Friday we enjoyed a nice relaxing afternoon together. I had to leave work early so our freezer could be delivered and I got a ton of errands and cleaning done around the house.

Saturday morning I had to work until around 9:45. Since I didn't think it was the best idea to not eat anything before I ran 6 miles I tried another protein bar.

I have been doing a lot of sampling of different bars and I think I have narrowed it down to some favorites. Saturday I tried this one:

I like that this bar has so much protein but I think I need more carbs than protein before a good run. The taste was slightly better than some of the others I tried. It was the same weight watcher points as most of the bars with a value of 5 points plus.

After escaping work I enjoyed a nice 6 mile run with some friends at the Indiana Dunes State Park in Chesterton. I even took a quick dip in the water. Felt amazing.

Saturday I celebrated the 8th anniversary of my first date with this guy. I <3 him.

Sunday I headed out in the morning to meet the Opportunity Enterprises Chicago Marathon training group. I enjoyed 9 miles with my friend Ken. We didn't push too hard. I never stop by watch during our water breaks and we still finished in under 1 hour and 30 minutes so I was very happy with that. I have really been focusing on the not over training this year. I have been taking my runs easier and not pushing myself too hard. I do think that this weeks run could have been better if I had not "celebrated" as much the night before. Only 83 more days until the Chicago Marathon!

I enjoyed a nice relaxing Sunday hanging out. I even made this:

The salad contains: 2 containers strawberries, 2 containers raspberries, 1 container blueberries, 1 peach, 1 plum. I will eat on this all week. I love how convenient it is.

Oh and my Reds did this... 

1st place baby! I love baseball!

How was your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Your team wasn't the only team to sweep this weekend. Just when my Cubbies are starting to play really well (since Rizzo came up) they will probably be trading away their 2 best starters and at least one or two position starters.
