Wednesday, July 18, 2012

You Must Make Changes...

Something I learned fairly quickly when I joined weight watchers was this...

There are so many changes that I have made in my life and here are some of the biggest changes I have noticed about myself  that I never thought twice about before I joined weight watchers...

~Eat Breakfast from McDonald's or other fast food places

~Drink Diet Soda and Iced Coffee from Dunkin Donuts or anywhere else is not the best choices for you.

~I rarely avoid a work out/run. There are no weather conditions I cannot bare... even in 100 degree weather I can find a way to get it done.
(100 Day Challenge Day 79: 6 Mile Run Indiana Dunes State Park)

~You can make healthy options that taste really good like... Taco Cupcakes!

~Eat whatever I want whenever I want

~Order French Fries... (This is not always avoided but 9 times out of 10 I choose something else)

~Prepare healthy lunches for myself before leaving home

~Looking at nutritional facts of foods in much more detail. Truly educating myself about exactly what I am eating as much as I can.

~Eating less food from "boxes" and containers

~Keeping track of everything you eat is what keeps you on track.

~There are no excuses they are just excuses.

~Vacation is not a free for all.

~Thanksgiving does not have to mean eating until you cannot possibly eat anymore

~Christmas cookies can be given away and not left in my house.

~I can donate to the girl scouts without having those cookies in my house.

~I shouldn't be eating the same amount of food as my boyfriend. There is a reason women and men have different nutritional needs.

What are some of the key changes you have made since starting your new path to a healthy life?


  1. I loved this post! I wish I had your self-control. Give some to me!

  2. I used to think spending time on the elliptical was working out. Ha! Sometimes, I didn't even sweat back then.

  3. Kelly I know exactly what you mean. I used to be the same way.

    Amber you can do it. Just focus on it.
