If you are thinking how do these apply to your week:
Think Less... Feel More
Eat when you feel hungry not when you think you are.
Don't think about working out... do it.
Frown Less... Smile More
Find things to be happy about. Don't beat yourself up.
Talk Less... Listen More
We're all in this together. Listen to others they might be more helpful if you ask.
Judge Less... Accept More
We might not all have the same struggles but we all struggle. It doesn't matter what your goal is we all struggle and have difficult times. (even those like me who are trying to maintain)
Watch Less... Do More
Get Moving. It doesn't matter how much just go. I always say about my running that it doesn't matter if you are first or last just that you got off your couch.
Complain Less... Appreciate More
There are so many things beyond our control. Make the best with whatever you are given. Bad day change it. Bad run... the next one will be better. Just never let anything hold you back.
Fear Less... Love More
Seriously fear will only hold you back. Don't fear anything from food, workout, life... nothing. Just embrace it all.
Live Happy and Healthy. Final Marathon training run tomorrow... to say the least I am excited, nervous, and relieved all at the same time. Updated tomorrow.