Nothing truly happens overnight... Most of my regular readers know this blog is about food, weight loss, healthy eating, my love of sports and of course my running adventures. This quote I read today was perfect for almost anyone reading my blog. For most sports fans you know who Erin Andrews probably is. I love her. She totally has my dream job working in the sports industry. Plus she is amazingly beautiful.

This quote is attributed to her credit. I could not agree more. The marathon is just over 2 days away from being kicked off by the Kenyans. I am getting more and more excited as the day approaches. However training for a marathon doesn't happen overnight. It takes months of preparation. The same goes for almost all goals in life. They simply cannot be achieved overnight. I was discussing with a friend today why people just give up. I can never seem to get over my disappointment when someone gives up on their weight loss goals. No matter what you have to do figure out a way to continue to keep your eye on the prize. There will always been times that are more difficult than others however just keep moving forward no matter what. Find a way to keep yourself focused on the next day and continuing to move toward your goal. Never look back on what could have been. Continue to look forward.
Remember eyes on the prize...
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