So what happens during 23 miles of running... well here are what my thoughts were.
The first mile was nerving because I was alone, it was dark and I was running through Hobart. Then the light started to come over the horizon. The next mile flew by. As I returned to downtown Hobart the breakfast spots were starting to fill with customers. As I returned to the parking lot at mile 3 Jennifer was already there. Jennifer and I began our journey through the next 20. Some of my main thoughts pretty much went like this...
20 more
Its humid
Darn you train... well we are over half way to Chesterton!
Oh darn you hill...
Wow we made it to 10
Why doesn't Chesteron have water?
The sun!
Thank God for this port a potty.
Ok I feel better.
Ok seriously I'm soaked.
Its hot, omg its humid, omg its hot... I'm thirsty!
Ok 10K left....
Finally water! Ok only a little over 5 miles...
Where the heck is Olsen Park and why does it feel so far away... "Oh hey Norm."
Ok lets just make it from Olsen to Lute.
Oh look there is Derrick... seriously less than 3 miles...
Sun.... Darn you Sun. Ahhh Shade thank you!
Countryside... ok break again... Seriously 1.7 to go
Oh crap... why does this hill coming out of the tunnel look like a mountain... meanwhile random person asks... "How far you going"... 20 and 23... wait miles?!?!
Crap Jennifer's watch stopped... seriously so frustrating for a runner.
Ok .55 to go... Omg could this half mile be any longer.
Omg I think I see the parking lot... 23.01 DONE!!!!!!
Now begins the cut back into the final weeks before the Air Force Marathon!