Friday, August 30, 2013

23 Miles of Training

Many think we are crazy. Runners are a special breed. Especially those of us who run long distances. Yesterday one of my fellow long distance runners posted this and it is very fitting for my run today...

So what happens during 23 miles of running... well here are what my thoughts were.
The first mile was nerving because I was alone, it was dark and I was running through Hobart. Then the light started to come over the horizon. The next mile flew by. As I returned to downtown Hobart the breakfast spots were starting to fill with customers. As I returned to the parking lot at mile 3 Jennifer was already there. Jennifer and I began our journey through the next 20. Some of my main thoughts pretty much went like this...
20 more
Its humid
Darn you train... well we are over half way to Chesterton!
Oh darn you hill... 
Wow we made it to 10
Why doesn't Chesteron have water?
The sun!
Thank God for this port a potty.
Ok I feel better.
Ok seriously I'm soaked.
Its hot, omg its humid, omg its hot... I'm thirsty!
Ok 10K left.... 
Finally water! Ok only a little over 5 miles...
Where the heck is Olsen Park and why does it feel so far away... "Oh hey Norm."
Ok lets just make it from Olsen to Lute.
Oh look there is Derrick... seriously less than 3 miles...
Sun.... Darn you Sun. Ahhh Shade thank you!
Countryside... ok break again... Seriously 1.7 to go
Oh crap... why does this hill coming out of the tunnel look like a mountain... meanwhile random person asks... "How far you going"... 20 and 23... wait miles?!?!
Crap Jennifer's watch stopped... seriously so frustrating for a runner.
Ok .55 to go... Omg could this half mile be any longer.
Omg I think I see the parking lot... 23.01 DONE!!!!!!

Now begins the cut back into the final weeks before the Air Force Marathon!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Marathon Training is Long...

Training for a marathon can be a long process the first time you ever do it. You work, you sleep, you run, you eat... then you repeat. There isn't much time to do much else. The best part is the day when you are able to line up and put all the hard work into place.

This summer has been different for me. I took on a new kind of training program to push myself to be a bit faster. One thing I say that I always do during marathon training is learn. I never stop trying new ideas or listening to other runners. I just told someone today who asked me if I missed Cincinnati that yes but the one thing I love about Northwest Indiana is the running community. Any problem, question or concern I have ever had during running I have found another runner to turn to. I love that any question I ever have about running just takes asking a runner who knows a runner who has been through a similar situation. This year I feel as though I have learned a lot about myself. When I started losing weight I was always wondering if I could do it... well I did. The first time I trained for a marathon I wondered if I could do it... I did. This year I have trained hard. Focused and tomorrow starts the final stage... my final long run before the cut back and downhill into my first marathon of the fall. I am excited that I was able to find another  runner who wanted to run 20 miles on a Friday morning.... so tomorrow will be the longest long run I have done since my 50K in the spring. I am nervous. Summer has set back in here in the Midwest... oh yay. Although I am lucky that we are going on a mostly shaded trail with water and bathrooms. It does not mean that nerves don't begin to set in. Long runs are great because they allow so much time for reflection but they also deserve good  company. 

Bring on 23 miles.... 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ice Scream Half Marathon Race Recap

A few months ago the registration opened for the Ice Scream Half Marathon. I peeked ahead at my training schedule and saw 12 so I figured hey perfect, run a race and get free ice cream. YAY! I wasn't sure exactly what approach to take. The race was advertised as very flat and very fast. However my first full marathon of the fall is only 4 weeks from today so... I took this approach.
Don't kill yourself
Have fun
Practice again with gel

When I arrived I starting seeing a lot of familiar faces show up. At the start I lined up with my friend Tim and asked him his game plan...since he didn't really have one he said he would hang with me as long as he could. We started out really great. The first mile was a bit fast so we had to dial back if we were going to hang in for the full 13.1. The first couple miles were a circle then we headed out the shaded portion of the bike trail that runs through Portage. Around mile 5 or so we got off the trail and went down Mcool to hit the Iron Horse Trial. At one point John the winner passed us and he looked so strong. He was totally in his zone. I was feeling really good. The next thing I know we hit mile 7. I said to Tim really we are at mile 7? Tim is one of my favorite friends to run with. He is funny in his own unique way and has tons of great running stories. He thinks I am crazy fast but I think he crazy amazing. I mean the man ran back to back marathons just to charity this year. On did I mention this was just shortly after he ran his first ever 50 miler. So maybe he thinks I have the need for speed but he can go and  go and go. Eventually we circled back around to hit the bike trail again. The next thing I know we are at mile 10. I always check my time at mile 10, if I am under 1:30 then I go. I was at 1:28 so I started to try to pick up our pace. I knew around mile 11 Tim's sore ankle did not feel good. At mile 12 he told me I had to go... So I really decided to kick it in that last mile. I wanted to practice that force of pushing through after a longer distance. My Garmin registered me at a 8:14 that last mile so I was really happy.

I crossed the finish line in 1:54:27 4th place in my age group out of 20. I was also 45 out of 140 finishers. The best part is that my crazy friend Tim who never races half marathons was pulled by me to yet again another PR. YAY TIM! Great well organized race. Plenty of shade. Loved the early start! I also got to actually meet someone who reads this blog that isn't my family member. Seriously if you read this blog and see me please introduce yourself. It is really nice to know people read my ramblings. All in all... I highly recommend this race!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Don't Run from the Work

2 and a half weeks ago I started Shaun T's Focus 25 workout. It's 25 minutes of intense workouts. I really like that they give you a schedule to follow so the order you do the work is never the same. Each week you work your body slightly differently.

Today was Cardio for me and I finally caught the quotes that Shaun says "Don't run from the work feel the work." What I really take away from this is true don't run from it. Sometimes working out or even running is just hard.  Sometimes when I get done with a work out I feel like I am some superior athlete who just completed an event at the Olympics, won the Superbowl or even the World Series. Of course that's far from true. The great part though is making yourself feel proud. My body has began to start to feel strong and each day I'm more surprised by how much harder I'm able to push. Shaun is so encouraging throughout the videos. He really makes you feel inspired to keep pushing. As a runner I often think my runs feel so easy compared to 25 minutes with Shaun T. It makes me feel stronger as a runner. Are you ready to join in the Focus 25 challenge? Ask me how. click here... 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

31 Days Out

Today I am 31 days out from my marathon and its the first time I am starting to feel the nerves kick in. I feel like when I am training I am always learning something new. I have been doing speed work for the first time ever this year. It is hard but I think sometimes we just have to find new ways to challenge ourselves. I do believe it has made me faster.

I recently took a new part time job at my favorite running store The Extra Mile. I really love being able to share my love of running with everyone who walks in the door. Most are coming in to find the right shoe for running. However the other day I was working at my new job at the Extra Mile a newer runner came in and was asking for some suggestions since he is training for his first half marathon. I explained I had plenty of experience with long runs and was happy to answer any question he had. One of his biggest questions he had was about running with water. Although I think this is something that all runners have to find their way of doing I do have to admit I love these two items by Nathan and Amphipod. Obviously I carry the Amphipod one. I love that they have a pouch for Gu or whatever you may use for fuel. They are light weight and fit around your hand. I hardly notice it anymore. What do you prefer to use on your long runs?

I truly can't believe the summer is coming to a close... 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My First beginner 5K Group

Last weekend my first ever beginner 5K group completed their goal at the Rotary Ramble August 10th. It is an amazing feeling to see someone you coach cross the finish line. It was a typical warm morning in Demotte filled with lots of kids ready to run their final race before the school year starts. 

The race is well organized and begins right in front of the school. I wished them luck and took my place in the crowd. I was ever to hurry and finish so I could watch them finish. I took off daily quickly and my watch even registered a 7:43 mile one. Woah! I held back some during mile two but tried to keep my 8:00 pace the best I could. As I approached mile 3 I could feel my body warming up and my pace slowing down. I knew the course well from doing the race last year and I knew my pace was going down the too much to hit another PR. The results had me come in at 25:05 and I was 5th in age group. Honestly I really didn't care about my results I was just excited to see my runners finish the race. Every single one of them cross the finish line and I could not be more proud. Maybe we didn't have 100's of people but we had committed runners and I am very proud of all of their hard-work. Although I coached before I've never coached someone to their first 5K. Knowing that I was once someone who had to train to run a 5K. I am so proud to post someone in their beginning stages of running. I hope every single one of them feel proud and enjoyed having me as their coach. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Shakeology 60 Day Results

60 days ago I began a challenge that is I was inspired to join by my friend Hillary. In the beginning I was skeptical and not convinced that this will be anything I would do long-term. 30 days ago I realized this was an amazing adventure I put myself through. After the first 30 days I was down nearly 5 pounds and feeling amazing. Let's just say it only took me 30 days to convince me this was something good for me. I decided to become a coach to try to start inspiring other people and we just started our journey together this week. I stayed apart of one of Hillary's challenges that is guiding us through the Shaun-T Focus 25 workouts. There is no way to describe the support that you can receive from one of these challenge groups. We are all different ages have different occupations and even live in different places. The one thing we have in common though is that we can inspire each other each other everyday. We never seem to have the same day that's a bad day but when you have a bad day you know there's someone there to encourage you to fight for the next day. I wasn't sure what to expect over the last 30 days as I completed another one of Hillary's challenges. But the truth is there is always something that can be said or learned through a 30 day challenge with complete strangers. Even just reading what people eat every day can inspire you to try something new that you might've been afraid of.  As I entered the thick of my marathon training I knew these 30 days would be challenging for me. Sometimes when you're running the mileage I am running you are just always plain darn hungry. The one thing the challenge helped keep me focused on fueling my body with good nutritious food as much as I possibly could.

As the 30 days ended yesterday and a new 30 days begins I cannot wait to see my next results. From the pictures below you can see I am slowly but surely making some progress. I hope everyone reading this blog can be inspired to get on a challenge and get focused. If you believe if you push yourself and if you focus your goals are achievable.

If you are ready to challenge yourself then ask me for more details and check out this website

Monday, August 5, 2013

What I learned...

This weekend I had to go I Ohio for a day to celebrate the bachelorette party of my oldest and bestest friend. I love this girl so much! It makes me happy to see her so happy!! 

However the run must always go on...Yesterday was long run Sunday for me. I ran 19 miles along the Little Miami Parks    bike trail with my friend Matt. We ran from downtown Loveland to Milford and back. I always say each training run can teach you something. It's the beat time to practice your race day routines so you know how it will effect you race day. Yesterday I learned quite a few things in my long run. 
-Running in Cincinnati is much different than running in Northern Indiana.
-The bike trail there felt up hill both ways. No wonder my Ohio friends are such strong runners. That bike trail is nothing like the one here.
-They have so much more shade on their trail. I think every runner I know here would trade their slightly more hilly tail to have all that shade they have in Ohio. It was awesome.
-They don't have water. This made me feel so fortunate for all the water fountains and or places you pass on the trail here that have water. Also we have an amazing charity which allows us to have water every couple of miles. Although a very nice deli owner in Miamiville did allow us to have some free water. I thought that was awesome!! 
-I also missed Aunt Connie. I told my friend Matt about how awesome her cold wash cloths feel when you only have about a mile to go on a really long run on a hot day. 
-Long runs are all about company. Matt and I talked about how new runners take time to learn how to talk and run. For long-distance runner a great conversation makes that run go by so fast. Until the end of the run we chatted away. Then I remembered the best part about running with a partner... Sometimes there is silence and just having the person there for support is so awesome. 
-I am so much stronger than I really think I am. I don't know what it is I guess it's just something inside of me but I know mentally I can push myself so much more than I know. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Running with the Devils 5K Recap

Saturday was the Running with Devils 5K in Lowell. I really enjoy this race for a couple reasons 
Cheap, close to home, a great organization and it's a slightly harder 5K. 
I was really unsure what to expect since last year I was coming off being really sick. At the starting line I ran into my fellow running buddy Josie who said she would be there. I told my friends I am going to do my very best to keep her I'm my sights because I knew she could be the one to pull me through at a really good time. 
At the start of the race it was crowded but Josie was still in my sights. When we hit the first main road it was easier to keep my eye on her. I was feeling really strong so I just kept pushing. Them just before mile 1 I overheard some high school boys make a mean comment to a much younger boy who was passing at the same time I was. (Side not the entire Lowell football team runs this race). I was not happy so I yelled to them that they needed to grow up! 
I hit mile 1 and I felt strong and was so happy with how I was running! I was still burning through from the high school boys. 
The second mile went pretty fast and I was still feeling good and holding pace even though the we were going through a lot of rolling hills. A grab some water as I hit mile 2 and took a swig of it. 
Once I saw how well I did through mile 2 I knew if I didn't give up I would pull off a good time. So I kept trucking along. Then the sun and final hill of the race hit my face and although I pushed hard the last mile was slightly slower. Then I saw the 3 mile mark and knew I was going to PR! So I pushed as hard as I possibly could as a fellow runner friend Tim saw me and was yelling for me to push and I did! 
Crossed the finish line in 24:43!!! 
1:06 5K PR!!!!
2nd out of 11 in age group
101 out of 324 total 

Awesome run! Awesome day! I haven't been this proud of my hard work in a long time! 
Above picture is me with one of my favorite families in the local running community and they won a team award! They rock! 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

No Limits

So I took a small break from the blog to focus on my life for a couple weeks. Today I started thinking during my run how good I was feeling. 4 years ago my journey began and so far I've killed every goal 
Lose 50 pounds πŸ‘
Run a 5K πŸ‘
Run a half marathonπŸ‘
Run a Marathon πŸ‘
PR at 2nd Marathon πŸ‘
Run 50K πŸ‘
Current goal is to PR again at a marathon. 

Over the past week I've started pushing my body to run harder than I ever have before. 
Saturday a friend helped push me through 1.5 mile repeats at just over an 8 minute mile.
Sunday I ran 8 miles on my own at 9:00 minute pace.
Yesterday I pushed myself through some hills in Valpo.
Today I pushed my pace harder than I ever have during a longer run. 

What have I learned from this? 

Really there is nothing that can truly stop is. I know my goals this year are really high but if they weren't they wouldn't be goals.