Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My First beginner 5K Group

Last weekend my first ever beginner 5K group completed their goal at the Rotary Ramble August 10th. It is an amazing feeling to see someone you coach cross the finish line. It was a typical warm morning in Demotte filled with lots of kids ready to run their final race before the school year starts. 

The race is well organized and begins right in front of the school. I wished them luck and took my place in the crowd. I was ever to hurry and finish so I could watch them finish. I took off daily quickly and my watch even registered a 7:43 mile one. Woah! I held back some during mile two but tried to keep my 8:00 pace the best I could. As I approached mile 3 I could feel my body warming up and my pace slowing down. I knew the course well from doing the race last year and I knew my pace was going down the too much to hit another PR. The results had me come in at 25:05 and I was 5th in age group. Honestly I really didn't care about my results I was just excited to see my runners finish the race. Every single one of them cross the finish line and I could not be more proud. Maybe we didn't have 100's of people but we had committed runners and I am very proud of all of their hard-work. Although I coached before I've never coached someone to their first 5K. Knowing that I was once someone who had to train to run a 5K. I am so proud to post someone in their beginning stages of running. I hope every single one of them feel proud and enjoyed having me as their coach. 


  1. Thanks Deanna for all your dedicated time and help with getting me to complete my first 5K. My goal was to do it without walking at all and I accomplished that thanks to your help! Hope to keep it up and see you at a lot more races.
    Debbie Murphy

  2. This is awesome! As a running coach I know the feeling and it's amazing. You should be proud!
