Thursday, August 1, 2013

No Limits

So I took a small break from the blog to focus on my life for a couple weeks. Today I started thinking during my run how good I was feeling. 4 years ago my journey began and so far I've killed every goal 
Lose 50 pounds πŸ‘
Run a 5K πŸ‘
Run a half marathonπŸ‘
Run a Marathon πŸ‘
PR at 2nd Marathon πŸ‘
Run 50K πŸ‘
Current goal is to PR again at a marathon. 

Over the past week I've started pushing my body to run harder than I ever have before. 
Saturday a friend helped push me through 1.5 mile repeats at just over an 8 minute mile.
Sunday I ran 8 miles on my own at 9:00 minute pace.
Yesterday I pushed myself through some hills in Valpo.
Today I pushed my pace harder than I ever have during a longer run. 

What have I learned from this? 

Really there is nothing that can truly stop is. I know my goals this year are really high but if they weren't they wouldn't be goals. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the last sentence! I have my GOALS, then i have the goals I can live with. But you only train for the big one!
    Great accomplishments!
