Friday, August 31, 2012

Favorites Friday: Running Stores are awesome

Here are a few things I things I love today:

New Running Shoes:
1. I got these Mizunos at the grand opening of the areas newest running store Extra Mile Fitness
Shared Photo

2. Which brings me to another thing I love: Free Fun Runs and Running stores. Yesterday Extra Mile had their official grand opening and fun run. They had a 3 mile run around Valparaiso. It was a warm evening but their event was awesome. They had a huge turn out. The course was really nice. We started out near the Valparaiso campus and went on to the campus and down the streets around campus. It was not the easiest 3 miles I have ever run but who doesn't like a challenge every once in awhile...

2B. So part "B" of number 2 is why I love a good running store. They are the most helpful people. They make sure you do not leave their store until you get the right pair of shoes. They work with everyone from I think I want to try running and need good shoes to the high school cross country stars. They also have everything. Socks and proper running gear are really important. Even if you aren't going to spend your life savings at the store at least go there and get some good advice. 

3. Twitter.... its fun and I can say all the random crap I am thinking. I can also read random crap by others. I pretty much tweet random sports, healthy living, running and life thoughts. Follow me if you want to get my daily thoughts on stuff. I also tweet more stuff about what I am eating because it takes much less time to post than on this blog. So hey follow me

What kind of running shoes do you love? Twitter or now?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Take Care of Yourself

Honestly this is all I have for you today. I have to omit certain parts of my life from this blog so just know today I was remind how important this really is. It doesn't really matter what you need to do in the aspect of taking care of yourself but please start doing it.

Deanna's Active Link Challenge
August 29th
8 Mile Run
I did 5 Miles by myself
Then 3 miles with my Wednesday night group. A fellow runner Dan really pushed me the last 3 miles. Actually felt really good to get this run done.

What are you going to do today to take care of yourself?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why did you start?

I have a wide variety of an audience... some are runners, weight watcher members, my amazing family and friends who would read no matter what and random Google folks. The one thing I can say about my opening is that no matter why you started whatever you are doing don't even give up on yourself. Remember back to the first day... maybe it was your first run or weigh in. No matter what it was remember back to how you felt that day. If you are a runner you will never forget that first time you decided to try "running." It is possible you wanted to turn around right then and there. This past weekend my sister whom I love was joking when I said well I ran today... She said really you run? I had no idea. I often forget when I say..."well I am only going to run 5 miles today" that this seems like the marathon I am training for to others. The key is that no matter what reason you decided to get started on your goal never let that memory or moment when you decided I am going to do this. Keep that thought fresh in your mind for as long as you can. It will never be perfect but just keep going don't let anything... including the weather stop you.

Deanna's Active Link Challenge... get to 100% Everyday Challenge
August 27th
40 minute walk
Active link only 97%... ugh forgot to wear it for a couple hours.
August 28th
5 mile Run with a great running friend
Active Link 126%
Don't quit... remember why you started and hold on tight to that feeling.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Race to the Taste Recap

Race to the Taste 

This weekend started off with a nice and hot 5 mile race at the Porter County Expo Center... A running friend Dan is the director so I really wanted to try out this race since I had never run it before.

I knew before the race even started that I was not going to perform 100%. Having too much fun the night before a run is very ill advised. I had wayyyy too much "fun" the night before. In fact I told many of my friends when I arrived that I was still feeling the effects from this "fun" I had the night before. Which of course made them all laugh as I tend to make people do.

They started the race near the back the Expo Center and we lapped around the Expo center and out on the road near the Expo center.

I quickly hit mile 1 around the 8:30 mark and I thought to myself ok maybe this won't be so bad.

It took me much longer to get to mile two and I knew that this was not going to be a record setting race. Just before the halfway point the sun was beating down on me and my stomach began to grumble. They marked the course to let you know that you were "halfway." Which I thought was really nice since it was mile 2.5... I really was feeling this race at this point. I was also about to die from the water not being cold but warm.

Mile 3 seemed to go by in a blur.... Somewhere between mile 3 and mile 4 I caught up to a runner that I knew pretty well Sylvia. We trucked along together until just final water stop. Once we made it to mile 4 I just kept telling myself one more.. one more...

Just after mile 4 I was just behind a runner named Dawn. She was doing me a favor and wearing really  bright clothes.... I just kept focusing on getting to the end behind her.

With only .40 of a mile to go Dan the race director recognized me and gave me the final push to the end.... you can even see some really scary photos of me by clicking here....

Bib No
Total Time

Holly Melton


Deanna Grimes

Marie Fessler


I know I could have done better but I am happy I finished and under the 9min/mile pace. Sometimes you do well sometimes you don't... I am just glad I went to the race and completed it. Plus they had really yummy Clif Carrot cake bars afterward.

What did you do this weekend?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How Bad?

Now matter what your goal is how bad do you want it? As a runner I have taken some crazy measures to make sure I get the runs in so that I can be in shape for my races. What goal are you setting out for and what are you really ready to do to get there?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Try Something New Tuesday

I am going to try to give you this as much as I can:

New Food:
Bulgur Wheat
What is it? According to the Wikipedia definition it is a cereal food made from several different wheat spices most often durum wheat. 
So what do I think it is? I really thought it was Qunioa. It has a very similar texture and taste.
My Nanny made this concoction at my nieces birthday party and it was delicious. When I asked her exactly how she made it she gave me the typical grandmother answer that she just threw it together because she couldn't find the original recipe. I can basically say I think she used these ingredients

Bulgur Wheat
Black Beans
Olive Oil
Green Pepper=

Yummy Goodness. Try it. Love it.

I also have been taking some new running routes as I take off from my home. One of things I really love about running is you really never have to take the same route. Today was a beautiful afternoon to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. I am love the weather these days.
5.10 Miles
49 Minutes

Another great part about today.... New Hair...I just love how good a haircut feels.

What do you think about Bulgur wheat?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Thank God For Hometowns

I'm a country music kind of girl at heart. Although I like plenty of other types of music I do love my country. These lyrics from a Carrie Underwood song pretty much sum up my last few days:

Thank God for hometowns/And all the love that makes you go round/Thank God for the country lines that welcome you back in/When you were dying to get out/Thank God for Church pews/And all the faces that won’t forget you/Cause when you’re lost in this crazy world/You got somewhere to go and get found/Thank God for hometowns

Source: via Colby on Pinterest

I started out Friday with not only some of my favorite people but also one of my favorite things to do. I went to a Cincinnati Reds baseball game with my Mom, Step-dad  Tony and Uncle Shawn. We had so much fun and the Reds won!

Then Saturday was a really fun day. We had a bridal shower for my sister who is getting married 2 months from today. I can hardly believe it and I am so happy for her. Her daughter was also celebrating her 2nd birthday. She is the most amazing little person. I talked tonight in my weight watchers meeting about how much we can evolve as people and not even realize it. Just thinking how much she has changed in 2 short years is amazing.

Sunday finished with another long training run for the Chicago Marathon. 18 amazingly beautiful miles around the town of Maineville with Hillary. I feel so blessed that someone from my hometown is also training for Chicago and that we were able to run together. The hills around town here a killer but I really felt amazing after this run. The best way to celebrate? Hometown pizza! I love LaRosas and now they even carry this thin crust whole wheat veggie pizza that was SO YUMMY!!

It was an amazing weekend that left me so blessed to have been able to spend such an awesome weekend with my family taking in some of my favorite parts of Cincinnati. 

What makes your "hometown" so special?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What's your favorite TV Show?

I have two favorite TV shows of all time

These guys

And of Course... Carrie and the girls

Remember the following
~Stick together
~Keep your friends close by they will always be there for you.
~Expect the unexpected
~Laugh at yourself and each other

Live in the moment because everything truly happens for a reason.

What can be learned from your favorite show?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Being that so called "runner"

I saw this today when I was looking through some motivational says and it really got me thinking about my running. I often hear from people who say they don't think they could ever run well I can honestly say I never thought I would either. As much as I appreciate all of the support my family gives me now they are the first to tell you how lazy I used to be. There are many reasons to stop yourself from seeing how far you can truly go but what if you start believing in yourself. I also recently read this article from runners world about how running can actually be fun for many different types. I am by no means an expert but I am someone who has gone from couch to many different distances including my first marathon last years. Here are a few things I can promise you I know about being a so called "runner."

~You are a runner if you go out and put one foot in front of the other. It doesn't matter how far, how long or what road you take. It only matters that you go.

~Just get started. There are many places to start and it is possible for almost anyone. A couple of good places to start are:
                            Couch to 5K
                           Hal Higdon Training Programs

~Once you decide to get started make sure you have the right gear. Pick the right shoes, socks and clothing. There are also free smart phone applications such as Run Keeper that use your phones GPS to
track how far you've run and the time.

~Pick a goal. Even if you are goal is complete one mile then go after it and do not stop until you get there.

~ Running does not require a membership. You can run anywhere, anytime and it doesn't have to cost anything other than the clothes/equipment.

~I promise you will feel amazing. When they talk about the "runners high" I have found it is really true. I cannot express the way I feel after a good run. I have been brought to tears of overwhelming joy from three times. When I completed one of my first 5K's and got 3rd place in my age group, half marathon and full marathon.

I am not the fastest runner or the most "ten year" but I am a runner. You can be as well. Someone once asked my mom why I would want to complete the marathon if I wasn't going to be competing at a high level. I was lost without words. This is the type of person who can bring you down. You are stronger than you believe.

Ready, Set, Run.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Meatless Monday

Welcome to a happily completed Meatless Monday.

This doesn't happen every Monday but today it did.

Quaker Oats with Banana and Click Protein for flavor
Egg beaters topped with Salsa

Greek Yogurt with a crystal light packed and a small apple

Quinoa (pictured)
Mixed Salad
Black Beans
Topped with Salsa

Dessert of course was Fruit Salad

Weight Watchers Lemon Bar


Morningstar Farms Meatless Crumble Tacos
Green Beans
Frozen Fruit Bar

Recovery from long run=Walk
2.5 miles
40 Minutes

I am really starting to love Qunioa much better than rice.... what do you think rice or quinoa?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Rotary Rumble 5K

Another 5K you say? OK here I come....

Got up Saturday Morning... Started with a fairly typical breakfast before running a race...
Bagel Thin
Peanut Butter

Then I made the trek down to Demotte for the Rotary Rumble 5K. This race is a fairly well attended race since it is a certified  RRCA 5K. I met my friend Bryan there and we headed out for a easy warm up run just shy of 2 miles. Then we chatted with a few friends before lining up. I always like to try to find someone who I know will push me through the race. My friend Bryan stayed with me to do just that.

They sounds the whistle and we were off and running. The race was full of cross country teams so the lead pack really lead off fast. I looked down at my watch as we made the first turn and saw 7:38 and thought to myself oh my god I am going to collapse if I don't slow down. So I returned what was a more comfortable pace.

We hit mile 1  in just over 8 minutes and I was still feeling really good.

I looked a the course map prior to the race so I knew there was going to be a turn before mile marker 2... what I was unprepared for was the couple of big hills.

So at Mile 2 it was well over 16 minutes and I knew it was really going to be close for a PR (personal record). My friend Bryan was telling me to push and I was really was feeling good until my hamstring which had been sore for several days really started to tense up again.

Once we hit mile 3 I knew it was going to be really close for me to get in the finish chute in under 26 minutes. I thought I could do it until another small hill came and I just didn't have it in me at the hill. I ended up crossing the finish line at
297th place
6 out 20 Age Group
I was really hoping to place in the top 3 for my age group because they give away wooden shoes at the race and I thought that was pretty funny. I felt good and race was completed.

After coming home I enjoyed my new favorite post workout meal thanks to my crazy awesome workout friend Jess: "Mancakes"
1/3cup Oats
4 Egg whites or liquid egg whites
Cinnamon and Splenda brown sugar (optional)
Perfect balance of Carbs and Protein.
Taste like french toast. You could add sugar free syrup, yogurt or applesauce as toppings.

What do you eat after working out to refuel?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

No Excuses

There are more excuses than one can name for not committing. Yesterday was one of those days for me. I saw the rain and I was going to abandon my running. I went to where my group meets to run on Wednesday nights anyway. My plan was to go home if no one showed up.... I really just had no real push to want to run in the rain. My training schedule for the Chicago Marathon had 8 miles down for me. I was not even close to being ready for 8 miles in the rain. So around 5:55 a runner name Bob showed up. Bob is a great runner. Huge Cubs fan... even plays piano in Wrigleyville. So off we went for 4 miles of a slightly rainy and humid run. I am a true believer in how good you feel after just doing it and being glad you didn't pass up on a workout. Honestly this run felt really good.
4 miles
37 minutes
Good Pace
Rain was actually feeling pretty good.

There are many excuses that we make but what will do today instead of making an excuse?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I Love the Olympics!

The Olympics have been very exciting this year. Between Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt there has been some extremely exciting competition. I have been watching a ton of sports I have never really watched before. I am amazed at how athletic some of them truly must be. The water polo has been really exciting to watch.

One of my favorites is still the beach volleyball. I truly think Misty and Kerrie are truly amazing athletes. Plus going for the 3pete is really awesome.  I really love watching some of the track and field. The 10K finished in amazing fashion. I also was really pulling for the American women at the marathon because I know just how grueling a marathon can be for a normal person. I cannot wait to see what the men are able to do.

One of the things I have been thinking when it comes to the Olympics is how dedicated these people are. They train for many years and it can all come down to something as small as a tenth of a tenth of a second. In the case of Usain he trained for the last  4 years trying to repeat and it only took 9.63 seconds to set the Olympic record and for the event to be over. It takes a lot to be this dedicated. It has really made me start thinking about my own training routine. How I treat my body by what I am putting into it. As well as my running routine. Both of which are extremely important for me to be able to finish the Chicago Marathon later this year. Although I do not plan on winning an Olympic gold medal or even having an amazing finish I think the Olympics have made me realize how some small changes could impact even myself.

What is your favorite Summer Olympic sports?

Monday, August 6, 2012

RDP Dean Frigo 33 5K Recap and Life Recap

Where have I been?

Recovering and Racing... Lets start with the fun stuff.

Saturday I got up early and hit the neighborhood for 4 pre-race miles. Then I headed down to Lowell for the  RDP Dean Frigo 33 5K. This is a great race, for a good cause and a ton of fun. It goes through the quiet streets and country roads of Lowell. Not a flat course but nothing terrible either. Since I had run very few days last week from the recovery process and I ran 4 miles before arriving I was planning to just finish.

Mile 1 went by really fast and I was surprised. I knew almost right away I was not going to be able to push myself the way I did at the last race. I was planning to follow my friend Josie but she went speeding off. Every race I try to find motivation... this race? Beat as many of the Lowell High School Football players.

I wasn't sure I was ever going to make it to Mile 2... I finally made the turn and I knew exactly where the course was going from there. I spotted a good running friend Tom. I just kept focusing on catching him. Finally I did. He gave me the good job Deanna thumbs up and I looked at him like I was about to die I am sure of it.

By this time many of the younger kids were flying past me because lets face it they are much younger than I am with much more energy. I then spotted another running friend Sue. I just kept focusing on her and letting her pull me to the finish. At the 3 mile marker another running friend Tim was cheering both Sue and myself onto the finish. I was so thankful because I was able to put my head down and finish as strong as I could.
143rd out of 432
3rd place (F 25-29)
I love getting the Medals!!!
Part of my absence however has been completely miserable.

Well I spent a short period of time in the ER....

All in all... I am finally feeling better after spending a lot of time doing this:

This is not something I do well. I rest as much as I could force myself which probably wasn't enough but I am back and ready to get going.

Do you have a hard time doing nothing?