Monday, August 6, 2012

RDP Dean Frigo 33 5K Recap and Life Recap

Where have I been?

Recovering and Racing... Lets start with the fun stuff.

Saturday I got up early and hit the neighborhood for 4 pre-race miles. Then I headed down to Lowell for the  RDP Dean Frigo 33 5K. This is a great race, for a good cause and a ton of fun. It goes through the quiet streets and country roads of Lowell. Not a flat course but nothing terrible either. Since I had run very few days last week from the recovery process and I ran 4 miles before arriving I was planning to just finish.

Mile 1 went by really fast and I was surprised. I knew almost right away I was not going to be able to push myself the way I did at the last race. I was planning to follow my friend Josie but she went speeding off. Every race I try to find motivation... this race? Beat as many of the Lowell High School Football players.

I wasn't sure I was ever going to make it to Mile 2... I finally made the turn and I knew exactly where the course was going from there. I spotted a good running friend Tom. I just kept focusing on catching him. Finally I did. He gave me the good job Deanna thumbs up and I looked at him like I was about to die I am sure of it.

By this time many of the younger kids were flying past me because lets face it they are much younger than I am with much more energy. I then spotted another running friend Sue. I just kept focusing on her and letting her pull me to the finish. At the 3 mile marker another running friend Tim was cheering both Sue and myself onto the finish. I was so thankful because I was able to put my head down and finish as strong as I could.
143rd out of 432
3rd place (F 25-29)
I love getting the Medals!!!
Part of my absence however has been completely miserable.

Well I spent a short period of time in the ER....

All in all... I am finally feeling better after spending a lot of time doing this:

This is not something I do well. I rest as much as I could force myself which probably wasn't enough but I am back and ready to get going.

Do you have a hard time doing nothing?


  1. Congrats on the race, but sorry to hear you were in the ER! Hope you're doing better.

  2. Thanks Maggie. Yes I am much better now.
