Another really busy day. Subbed at weight watchers tonight so I didn't have time for my normal gym routine. I am really excited about the weekend because I have some fun running events planned. Today I decided to google 20-30 minute workouts. I came across where there is a blog by a formal navy seal and personal trainer. They suggested a great workout that I modified slightly to my ability. It felt great and and I am feeling army strong ha ha.... Here is the routine they suggested...
Pushup/Crunch Superset:
Repeat 10 cycles of:
- 10 regular pushups
- 10 crunches
- 10 wide pushups
- 10 crunches
- 10 tricep pushups
- 10/10 Left/Right crunches
Leg / ab Superset:
Repeat 5 cycles of:
- 20 squats
- 20 crunches
- 10 lunges per leg
- 10 crunches
- 20 calf raises
- 20 crunches
So work this out to your ability and you have a great workout....
I get asked a lot about food as well... Did I metion that cucumbers are one of my favorite foods. Slice one up with laughing cow cheese and yum. I had that for lunch today along with a boca burger on a whole wheat tortilla. Cucumbers are also really well priced this time of year as well as green peppers. Both one of my favorite veggies to cut up and munch on.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Day 24... Biggest Loser
Even though I often have my back and fourths about the show "The biggest loser." I do find most of the contestants to be a really good story and motivator. I thought it was a great story to hear about Olivia. Someone who was an amazing singer but tired of playing the "fat" roles. I can't wait to see how well she does now. She looked amazing last night. Although I don't encourage the rapid weight loss that you see on the show I think the other motivators behind the show are fantastic. Needless to say I can't watch that show and skip my workout. So I opened my self magazine picked out a 15 minute workout and completed it before heading to bed. Do you think the biggest loser motivates you? I also think more importantly what can you do to get motivated. How can you be the biggest loser? We don't have to lose 120 pounds to be the biggest loser. An average of 1 pound per week over 1 month is almost 5 pounds. What we can do to get there? What can truly be a motivator? I have been thinking about this a lot with the meeting topic we had this week. Excercise excuses... I think I have used them all. I refuse to give and keep going. What can do to?
I can't believe today is day 25....
I can't believe today is day 25....
Monday, May 23, 2011
Day 22 and 23
Day 22... tough. I was out if town. Tired and had no time. Although I believe I earned my day by dancing my butt off to some of my favorite bands.
Day 23... Home. Tired. Didnt want to, but I did. Setup a circus in my basement. Where its cooler... Jump Rope, abs, lunges, and some arms with weights.25 minutes later I am soaked in sweat and feeling accomplished.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Day 19 and 20
Success! I choose it.
15 minute jog around the neighborhood Friday.9:13 pace.
Saturday 23 minute jog around my Super 8 motel.
What can you accomplish?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Day 19... Butt Kickin

I followed it up with a haircut... great day.
Day 17 and Day 18....
This week is flying by...
Day 17... I let Jillian Michaels kick my butt again. Although during the workout I feel like punching her I feel great afterward.
Day 18... Extreamly uncreative... I did sets of jump jackings, lunges, butt kicks... much needed and quick cardio.
Today... I am heading to the gym.
I am off to a weekend long concert and I am starting to get nervous on how I am going to pull this off this weekend.... Whats your advice?
Day 17... I let Jillian Michaels kick my butt again. Although during the workout I feel like punching her I feel great afterward.
Day 18... Extreamly uncreative... I did sets of jump jackings, lunges, butt kicks... much needed and quick cardio.
Today... I am heading to the gym.
I am off to a weekend long concert and I am starting to get nervous on how I am going to pull this off this weekend.... Whats your advice?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 16... Diamonds are a girls best friend

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Day 14 and 15
Well first there was Saturday. I went out to the Lake County Fairgrounds early so I could make sure we had a good route to take. I am so thankful to every who showed up and took on the 5K Saturday. The weather wasn't perfect but we all made it. Everyone should be very proud! Congrats to everyone who finished!
Today I needed to practice for the Ragnar relay. This is a race that I am running in early June. 200 miles from Wisconsin to Lincoln Park in Chicago. It is a 12 person team. Each person's leg of the race is divided into 3 sections. My total mileage is just over 13 miles. So I got up this morning and ran a 5K on the treadmill at my gym. Then at 5pm I met my running friend Bryan at Countryside Park in Hobart. We ran another 3.5 miles. It was much harder to get myself up and go for that second run. I am glad we went out though and got it in. I can't believe 15 days are completed already!
Thursday Day 12 and Friday Day 13
Hit the gym... pounded the treadmill and StairMaster.
Thursday 4.5 miles in 40 minutes and then 10 minutes on the StairMaster
Friday... 35 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes of AB work.
Not very exciting but completed!
Thursday 4.5 miles in 40 minutes and then 10 minutes on the StairMaster
Friday... 35 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes of AB work.
Not very exciting but completed!
Day 11... Sweat Baby Sweat
Holy Hot weather.... Well I suppose summer is here. I love summer but hate running in the heat so today was get my butt kicked by Dewayne the personal trainer. Like I said last week when I talked about working out with Dewayne the best part is how hard he pushes me. I feel like we can never push ourselves as hard as someone else can. Day 11 is a success even on a hot and humid day. I even wore my favorite shirt today!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Day 10... you know that thing in the back of the closet

Monday, May 9, 2011
Day 9..."Why choose to fail when success is an option?" Jillian Michaels
Although I mixed opinions about Biggest Loser and even wonder what Jillian Michaels is really like. I love her attitude. I also love this quote by makes me think. Success is always an option. So I am really focused on this challenge and feeling great. Today I took out a shape magazine that had a 20 minute workout by Jillian in it. Here is the front cover... I mean who doesn't want to look like that. The thing I have always love about Jillian's workouts is that even though they are tough you feel great and accomplished afterwards. Even though I slightly modified the workout for me I still did all 5 sets and feel great... Day 9 down! Who is ready to knock this week out?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Day 8 felt great!

Saturday, May 7, 2011
Day 7... dreadmill
Many of you know that I am a runner. However I am an outside runner. I often refer to the treadmill as the dreadmill.Today it had to be done. I got off work and it was raining. I didn't have my jacket or feel like running in the rain... so off to the gym I went.
What I decided to do was 30 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on the StairMaster... I really honestly can't handle more than 30 minutes on a treadmill. However to make time go by faster I change my speeds. Today I did in sets of 5 minutes. I started out at my fastest pace and declined. Then the last 5 minutes I increased it back up every minute. It felt great to sweat and really push myself. Plus the extra step to hop on the stairmaster to just push myself that much more... feels great!
I feel like this challenge has really empowered me. I feel like everyday I think of new ways to get in the workout. a lot more variety which I did not do before. Tonight I celebrate surviving mother's day 2011... Burgers and sangria YUM!
Tomorrow back to the pavement! I have to get ready for my relay race which is now only about a month away...
How is your challenge going? Are you feeling motivated? A fellow friend and blogger follower Sara completed the Indy Mini Marathon for the 2nd time today. We trained together last year and we both ran it. Congrats to her and her husband (a first time half marathon runner). I am so happy for both of them!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Day 6... Personal Training

So here is how today went...
5 minute warm up on the treadmill... during which he had to listen to me complain about how tired and cranky I am from an exhausting week of work.. Then onto the core of the workout....
40 minutes of what felt like 1000 squats/lunges with weights.
Dewayne rocks. He always pushes me and never lets me quit. I love that its something I am committed to once a week. He always takes me outside the box and really pushes me.
Day 5... Cinco de Mayo
So yesterday was a very long day. By the time I got home I just wanted to go to bed. I didn't feel like cooking at all. My boyfriend and I decided to just go to the local pizza place so I could enjoy the evening at least a little bit. So needless to say my weekly points went totally out the window yesterday. I mentioned to my boyfriend that I still needed to get my 10 minute workout in. So since we were going to a place so close he told me to jog there and he would meet me there. Which could very easily be done.... Off I went. 15 minute jog to the restaurant and Cinco De Mayo was accomplished! Today my trainer beats me up... check back later for details...
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Today was testing...96 more days to go
So I knew taking a challenge of 100 days of working out in a row would be tough at some point and today proved me right. I worked all day... I mean literally all day. 4:30AM to 4:45pm. My trainer wasn't available when I got off so I really wasn't sure what kind of workout to do. After much thought and listening to my stomach grumble I opted to come home first and eat some dinner. As I sat on my couch contemplating my workout my nanny called. She wanted to tell me she "only" lost 5 pounds her first week back at weight watchers. I was so very proud of her. I love being an inspiration even if it is my Nanny. She totally rocked her first week which was not easy because she did a lot of dinning out.
So after her motivation to get my butt off my couch I decided to try a DVD (pictured) I received from Fitness Magazine for free. It said it was a 25 minute total body workout. After the DVD got going I realized ok I know why this was free. Boring and Uninspiring although I was feeling it was a good workout. It was harder than I anticipated... However 14 minutes in the DVD quit working... I was thoroughly disappointed and not feeling accomplished.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Day 3... 97 to go

Monday, May 2, 2011
Day 2...
Well two days are complete on my 100 day challenge. Today was busy so today I did 2 sets of a 14 minute circuit I found in self magazine. You can see a copy of it to the left. I also took a picture of the equipment I used. I just my stability ball and two sets of weights. I used a set of 10 pound and 4 pound weights. Mostly because I have nothing in between. I really need to get a few more sets. The 10 pound worked great for moves 1 and 4. However was slightly too much for 5 and 6. I am sure my personal trainer would have thought otherwise but today I was on my own. Move two wasn't working so well or I am just a major wimp so I just did a similar move on the ground my trainer taught me. I also modified move 5. My ball isn't quite as large as the one they used so I decided to just change the move slightly. Feeling great.
98 to go! Have you joined the challege? How did today go for you?
98 to go! Have you joined the challege? How did today go for you?
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Day 1 down... 99 to go...
Today was the flying pig marathon back home in Cincinnati.... maybe someday I will be able to sign up...Although it is hard since I work in the floral industry and it is too close to mothers day for me to get off work... So I worked this morning and even though I would have enjoyed a nap much more... I did it. Ran just over 4 miles... Picture to prove it. Feels great to have a challenge in front of me and ready to continue to face this head on... Did you get started today? What challenge are you taking on... how did it go?
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