Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 7... dreadmill

Many of you know that I am a runner. However I am an outside runner. I often refer to the treadmill as the dreadmill.Today it had to be done. I got off work and it was raining. I didn't have my jacket or feel like running in the rain... so off to the gym I went.
What I decided to do was 30 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on the StairMaster...  I really honestly can't handle more than 30 minutes on a treadmill. However to make time go by faster I change my speeds. Today I did in sets of 5 minutes. I started out at my fastest pace and declined. Then the last 5 minutes I increased it back up every minute. It felt great to sweat and really push myself. Plus the extra step to hop on the stairmaster to just push myself that much more... feels great!

I feel like this challenge has really empowered me. I feel like everyday I think of new ways to get in the workout. a lot more variety which I did not do before. Tonight I celebrate surviving mother's day 2011... Burgers and sangria YUM!
Tomorrow back to the pavement! I have to get ready for my relay race which is now only about a month away...

How is your challenge going? Are you feeling motivated? A fellow friend  and blogger follower Sara completed the Indy Mini Marathon for the 2nd time today. We trained together last year and we both ran it. Congrats to her and her husband (a first time half marathon runner). I am so happy for both of them!

1 comment:

  1. We missed you Deanna! I really missed actually TRAINING with you and the group. It was hard to get motivated and I trained less than I should have (my finish time can attest that I did not train as well as I should have!) Tim did awesome and I am so proud of him!
