Monday, May 14, 2012

Keep Pushing

"When you truly believe in what you are doing, it shows. And it pays. Winners in life are those who are excited about where they're going."

Day 15: 100 Day Challenge: 
26 minute walk
5 Minutes of Abs/Stretching

Today was a really great day to be outside. Just before I  headed into my weight watchers meeting I went for a beautiful walk. The weather was perfect today. I often say that something is better than nothing. 26 minutes of walking is much better than just sitting doing nothing at all. I also believe that you don't have to spend money on a gym to get in a good workout. Google is an amazing way to find workouts Today I typed in Ab Exercises... I found this on fitness magazines website... and it was free. Ever looking for a quick workout this is a great way to find workouts you can do from home....

 All you need is a mat or sometimes some furniture and weights. I also love my balance ball. An easy way to do some exercises and not put too much stress on your body especially if you have injuries. 

What are some of your favorite quick workouts?

1 comment:

  1. Great job!

    Wanted to let you know, I'm hosting a protein powder giveaway-- and I'd LOVE for you to enter :)
