Monday, April 23, 2012

Eat your Vegetables

April Photo Challenge Day 23: Vegetable

Being a lifetime member at weight watchers or even someone who really tries to eat healthy means I try to work in as many veggies as possible. Vegetables are good for giving you a satsified feeling without packing in the calories. I think I am the daughter of my father/grandparents when it comes to vegetables though. I love them all. My mom isn't a huge veggie lover but I spent a lot of time with my grandparents growing up so they always fed me the good stuff.

I can remember my granny to this day having a garden in her back yard and my Nanny even started a garden this year. Last time I was in Ohio visiting we even planted a few things in her garden. I hope to someday have a garden built in my backyard. It always takes me back to my childhood when I see a garden. I loved going to my Granny's as a kid because she always had fresh green beans she had picked from her garden. Do you ever wonder if that's why we have the obesity problems we have now? Sometimes I wonder if it cardboard is to blame for some of our countries weight issues. Fresh is so much better.

Tonight I enjoyed some of my favorites for dinner

Boca Burger with spinach and of course a pickle. Spinach is so good on a sandwich. It really gives it a crunchy flavor. Spinach is also really good for you. It is good for cardiovascular health, brain function and many believe it helps fight cancer.

Green beans with canjun seasoning and salsa. I wish they were fresh because fresh green beans are so good. Sometimes in the summer I try to go to local markets or even flea markets to find fresh green beans.


  1. I have been trying to "sneak" extra veggies into our meals too. Lasagna is a great place to load up on the veggies. Shredded zucchini, shredded carrots, peppers and spinach add lots of flavor, plus a nutritious punch. I tried putting shredded sweet potato in our spaghetti sauce the other night...that was met with mixed reviews. I think it would have been better if they had been chopped into smaller pieces. Oh well, I'll keep trying :)

  2. I bought a box of Boca Burgers to try. I am normally a meat person, but I am willing to try anything to cut corners on points. Glad you showed this plate, it gave me some ideas to eat with the Boca Burger when I try it. Thanks Deanna, You are truly an awesome person!

  3. Let me know how you like them Denise...

    Sara you are very brave... Jason+Vegetables is a no go ha ha
