Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How do you take your coffee?

Let me just admit something... I love coffee.

 I always make sure I wake up in enough time to have it before runs. I have it almost everyday as I drive into work and enjoy some as I start my day at work.

One thing I do not like is coffee black.
April Photo Challenge Day 17: Something you don't like

 Today while picking up a few things at Wal-Mart I found this:
April Photo Challenge Day 18: Bottle

The best part 0 points plus.
If you love to flavor your coffee this is a must try.
Just don't use too much. The bottle suggest 1 TBSP for a cup of coffee. I didn't even think you needed that much. They also sell several other flavors.

How do you take your coffee?


  1. I myself don't care for black coffee either... and I love it sweet and creamy!
    Trying to reduce points, I have switched to using fat free evaporated milk or fat free half-n-half and splenda for the sweetener.
    One trick I found for a different flavor was putting cinnamon in the pot before it brews.. as much or little as you like. (Don't put it in with the grounds.. it clogs the filter)

  2. I have been adding cinnamon to the cup since I have a Kruieg machine. Cinnamon def gives it a good flavor.

  3. I am not a huge coffee needing person; however I enjoy a good K-cup every day at work. I love Mocha Nut Fudge with two splenda along with two hazelnut creamers. Sometimes I try different flavors. Carmel Vanilla Cream flavor and Hazelnut are two of my other favorites.
