Do you ever have a day that feels like this?

Today the race photos from the Chicago13.1 came out today that I ran this past Saturday. I laughed when I saw them. I look so miserable. There are so many days when the thought of a workout might seem unbearable. The key is to find the inner strength. I have never been someone who thought that you needed to start running to help your weight loss journey and I never will be. There is one thing I believe though that you have to GET MOVING. We all enjoy something different. It doesn't matter if you walk, swim, bike, dance, jump, box or whatever else you like. It just matters that you get doing it. We are not all capable of the same intensity or even the same levels however we are all capable of moving. What if you got up at every commercial on tonight and did something.
Not every workout is going to make you feel like a million bucks. Some workouts will feel better than others. There will even be days when the thought of hitting the gym or doing anything sounds awful. However I promise when it is all said and done you might feel like this...
I don't think I have ever been more happy to know that I didn't give up. The key is to not give up on yourself. Today I saw this on and inspirational board that I read almost everyday for some positive thoughts.
Really you are amazing. We just all amazing at something different.
100 Day Challenge Update:
Day 44 Tuesday June 12th
Ran 3.20 miles 29 minutes
Walk .92 miles 14 minutes
What amazing thing will you do today?
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