For me there are so many men who have influenced my life.
My Dad
I might not be a daddy's girl. We don't even speak everyday but your dad is always your dad. My dad supports me, loves me and no matter what happens in life I am always his little girl. He taught me about the Reds and about the Big Red Machine. My dad also taught me it is never too late in life. He didn't graduate from college until he was in his 40's. If you really want something you can get it you just have to believe in yourself.

He taught me many things throughout my life. He taught me to drive a stick shift car and how to care for others. He doesn't have a selfish bone in his body. He loves the flea market and blue grass music. He is quiet but wise. I still can remember to this day how proud he was of me after I lost the weight. One thing I have learned from my grandfather is that no matter what keep going. Life can get complicated but if you have your family around that's all you really need.
My Step Dad Tony

What makes your Dad special?
100 Day Challenge Update:
Day 47: June 15th
REST... I just plain needed it.
Day 48: June 16th
6 Mile Walk/Jog Dunes State Park
Day 49: June 17th
9 Mile Run
My Dad is special because he was always there for me and my sisters. He coached us in sports, he was on the school board of our elementary school, and he did whatever he could to guide us down to correct path.
ReplyDeleteWhen he was unemployed in the early 1980's we never realized that we didn't have any money or that he and my mom were barely making ends meet. When we nearly lost him in 1995 to an accident at work he fought to stay alive for us.
And now he is the best grandfather in the world. Yes he spoils mine and my sisters' kids but he is still the teacher and guide that he was with us.
We tease him that he is the real Mr. Brady from the Brady Bunch but I could not have had a better role model on what good fathering is than my dad.