My car registered about 95 degrees after work today. I am not sure what the official high was but its hot. My run today was 3.13 miles in 28 mins.
100 Day Challenge Day 51 June 19th accomplished
I was drenched in sweat. The run was hard but sometimes you have to be tough.
Today in my email popped this article from Spark People and Shape Magazine.
The title of the article 5 Secrets of Naturally Thin people really peeked my interest. So here was the list
1. Weigh in Regularly
The study done by Dr. Megan Butryn suggest that adults who lost 30 pounds or more and kept it off for several years they discovered those who got on the scale consistently their weights only varied by 4 pounds or less. I truly believe this one of the reasons for success at weight watchers. I try to remind people what is the worst possible thing that could happen. Just own up to it.
2. Pump up the protein
The article suggest a study done by the American journal of medicine found that women who had the highest level of protein in their diet maintained their weight loss for more than a year. I truly believe that the protein really is an important factor. We don't all have to love meat we just have to make sure we get it in. A few easy ways to do this is to switch to Greek yogurt, include a lean meat at lunch and dinner, try eggs for breakfast or add a meat to your breakfast.
3. Strive for five
.... Fruits and Veggies of course. Really good for you. Help you fill satisfied and there are so many ways to enjoy them.

5. Eat out less often
Portion sizes are out of control. If you come to my meetings think about the demonstration of the new kids meal french fries and how small it is and still 3 points plus values. The key is to really make eating out special. I always say that I make eating out "date night." Since our lives are so busy we always try to make the meals we don't eat at home something we actually enjoy.
What habits will you change this week? Stay cool out there... hydrate well!
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