Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tell Yourself

Today I had a friend share this picture on Facebook and it got me thinking about how this relates not only to running but weight loss which made it the perfect topic for my blog today...

Everything Will Workout:
Its true. There will always be days that are harder than others. When it comes to running I always tell myself sometimes a bad day will come along. When it comes to weight loss it is the same aspect. The key to the weight loss is not letting slips ups determine everything.

This will get better:
When you first start with something they feel hard but they get easier in running or losing weight. The first day or first run will not be easy but you have cannot let the first day or run determine everything.

You are worth of great things:
Many of us forget that we are just as important as everyone else.
Taking time to make running/weight loss a success means dedicating
time for yourself. You are important.

You are loveable:
Love yourself first though. Do not allow negative thoughts. Even
if you have the worst possible run ever isn't it better than sitting on
your couch?

The time is now:
What is stopping you? There is never a time to really get started
so start NOW!

This too, Shall pass:
It doesn't matter how much you fall off track... get back on as
soon as you can. We all have struggles the key is to get back
in line right away.

You can be who you really are:
When it comes to running there are no rules. Some runners are
fast some are slow. The key is that if you get out there you are a runner.
This also applies to weight loss... don't give up everything you really love.
Find ones to enjoy what you really love.

The best is yet to come:
Celebrate every success. Set goals and be proud of them.
The best part is that you set them and you just need to
push yourself to achieve them.

You are strong:
You are so much stronger than you believe. Find that place deep
inside yourself. Don't let anything hold you back. Fight.

You can do this:
Really you can. There is nothing stopping you.

What do you most need to tell yourself today?

100 Day Challenge:
Day 54 June 21st
30 Minute Run

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