Monday, December 10, 2012

Get Back Up

There are so many times along the journey when you feel knocked down.
-One very Bad Day
-One Meal
-Special Event
-Didn't workout/Run
-Gained Weight
-Didn't hit your goal
-Over did something

It doesn't matter if you read this blog because you are a runner or someone trying to losing weight. There are so many times when you start have a hard time. I never thought that maintaining weight would be anymore difficult than losing it but I was kidding myself. It is so easy to slip up. Go back into old habits. I had felt this recently so last week I made a strong commitment to track and get back to the basics. I was down nearly 2 pounds at my weigh in this week after that. No matter what knocks me down I always try to get back up as quickly has possible. Even if you over do it at one point try to get back on track as quickly as possible. It does't matter how many times you get knocked down it just matters that you always get back up. I feel like running can be a metaphor for much of the weight loss journey I experienced  It doesn't matter how bad you felt a run was.. you still ran. So put in all the efforts and you will see success from the sum of all efforts.

What is knocking you down and how are you going to get back up?

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Yummy Food

I love Sundays.
Today I started out with a rainy, windy and chilly 6.10 mile run. I hit the grocery store before even coming home so I wouldn't have to leave the house once I got back.

Since it was rainy and crappy the first thing I thought of was making chili today. So I made sure I picked up some ground turkey so I could make it.

By the time lunch time rolled around I wanted something simple. I love corn tortillas and how useful they can be. Today I opened up a can of tuna, grabbed some spinach mix, pumpkin salsa and mustard and went to to town on this quick lunch. The great part is that you can layer these with whatever you want. I love to use them for tuna since they hold the tuna better than bread. Spinach is a great filler. It is so good for you also. The pumpkin salsa is a "special" item at Aldi grocery stores and I love mustard on anything.

After round one of a disappointing NFL day I decided to get started on my chili. The great part about "Cincinnati Chili" is that it doesn't have to have a lot of ingredients. 
1 6oz can of tomato paste
1lb 93% Ground Turkey
1 Package of "Cincinnati Chili" Mix 
6 Cups Water

Mix into a pot... wait for it to boil. Then simmer for about 1-1.5 hours. I let my simmer for about 2 hours just so it would be slightly thicker. You could also mix all into a crock-pot for several hours. The key is to not brown the meat first. Just put all of it together.

3 Points Plus Values for 6 Servings

Optional is to top with hot sauce, cheese and oyster crackers. Comfort food at its finest.

Cincinnati Chili... YUM

So tell me what is one of your favorite comfort meals?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Today I ran across this photo of myself.

I think there are so many times when we need to stop and evaluate our progress. I believe I was about 20 years old in this photo.. so this was probably taken about 9 years ago. I am still amazed at the amount of things I have been able to accomplish that I know when this photo was taken I never could have even imagined. 

~I have lost at least 50 pounds... I know I lost this much on Weight Watchers and now lead meetings to encourage others to do the same. 
~I actually know what portions and what good eating habits are.
~I believe in myself and know that so much more is possible that I ever believed.
~I have run 2 marathons, 1 trail marathon, too many half marathons to count and many other races. Just the fact that I even get of my couch and do anything is amazing thinking I came from the place I was in the photo above.

There are so many more things to be proud of. I highly suggest reflection every once in awhile to remind yourself how far you have truly come. It is possible you will never go from couch potato to marathon runner but I encourage you to find the success that makes you feel proud. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

One Thing

This week as weight watchers 360 is launching in meeting room we are discussing how are new plan is really to help our members in so many different aspects of their daily lives. One thing we are asking them at the end of each meeting is to make a commitment for the week. The thing is they don't have to be anything extremely difficult just something to focus on. I truly believe this is the key to being successful not only at weight loss but most aspects of life.

If you are a runner reading this blog think about it... Focus on what you really want to get out of your run that day and what might make it a success and go after it. This week when it comes to running I have really decided to focus on not pushing myself. Often times as runners we push ourselves well beyond our limits. Coming off my second marathon of the year I know this week is all about giving my body some time to recover. However this doesn't mean just totally taking the week to sit on my couch. Today I completed a 3.44 mile run at a very nice slow pace with my Tuesday night run group. This run did not push beyond any limit with my body but it allowed me to move my legs just enough.

If you are not a runner and you are reading this blog as motivation to lose weight then think about it like this. There are so many things that stand in our way. However instead of focusing on the big picture focus on one element you know you want to focus on for the upcoming week and only focus on that. We don't have to focus on everything at once just one small thing at a time.

This week I am focusing on actually keep track of all the little things I often don't really keep track of every week. For example coffee creamer. While it doesn't seem like something that would make a big difference but it truly can.

What one thing are you willing to focus on?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Back to Basics

We often have times when we all struggle. Even though I started this journey nearly 4 years ago and I have been a lifetime member for over 2 years there are still times when we get off track. The key is to get back on as soon as you can. I really truly believe it is all about the basics. One of the great things about Weight Watchers it that they provide so many great tools. Yesterday officially launched their new Weight Watchers 360 program. It is a way for Weight Watchers to really provide 360 degrees of support so that members are more successful. The thing is that we are all human and have typical human behaviors. In order to really get back on track myself I decided to take full advantage of some the great new tools Weight Watchers offers.

Tracking. This is the new 3 month tracker that Weight Watchers offers so many things I love that truly believe that can apply to so many of us.

Each week it asks you to plan for your activity. I think this is the key to success when it comes to make a commitment for exercise  For many people like me who run tend to get lazy when they are not training for an event. I think the way to commit to exercise on a weekly basis.  
The page also asks you to really think about your focus for the week. I think the key to focus on what you really truly believe will help make your week a success.

They also have pages so that you can prepare your weekly meals. I think this would be a great way to prepare not only your week but also even what you need from the grocery on a weekly basis. This page also asks you which "space" in your environment you want to focus on and how exactly you plan to take control of this space.

Then of course they have the 7 days of tracking per week.  The key when you are getting back to basics is really truly putting down as much as possible. The more honest you are the more you will benefit from tracking. Every bite, every lick and every taste.

Focus on the small things and get back to basics.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tecumseh Trail Marathon (Race Recap)

Tecumseh Trail marathon
If you have never heard of this race click the link above to get some idea of what I had my back against.

Friday evening  I set out for Bloomington, Indiana. I had a nice dinner with some great friends. Of course we ate Italian the night before the big race. Then we headed back to our hotel to prep for the next morning and to get  a good nights sleep.

On the longest bus ride ever
My friends Betty and Bryan had prepped me mentally for the race. They explained the race course and what I should expect. I really still had no idea what to expect. At 9AM Saturday morning we boarded the buses that would take us to the starting line. The bus we were on got lost so that made me even more anxious about the race. Then another bus broke down. So the race eventually started 45 minutes late.

I decided not to wear my watch and to just go and run. I had no goals for this race only to finish. I felt it wasn't realistic to have a true goal on a trail race. I talked to my friend Bryan who decided we would run the entire race together since he had convinced me to sign up. The start of the race was a little congested because all of the participants started together. The good thing though is the first few miles flew by.

At mile 6 they explained the next aid station wouldn't be again until about mile 10. Mentally I just kept plugging away. I even started talking to the runners around Bryan and I to keep going. Once we finally approached mile 10 I was really for a break. We grabbed some quick snacks and water and kept plugging away since the next aid station was only 2 miles away. After this stop we took off with two guys who were running together. I asked them how long we had been running so I knew somewhat where we were close the halfway point. That's when I was reminded of the VERY LARGE and that doesn't even begin to explain how torturous this hill was. I seriously thought I may start crying. It was the craziest thing I have ever had to walk up during a race.... for that matter EVER!  We ran a bit with these guys to make conversation. We just kept plugging away the miles. It seemed to take a long time to make it to the next aid station which was around mile 15. From then on there was an aid station just about every 2 miles. The 2 miles stretches seemed to get longer and longer. Around mile 20 we ran into my friend Karrie. She is an amazing runner and really pulled us to the next aid station. She kept going but I had to stop for a drink of water. The aid stations at this race were amazing. I could not have asked for anything better. The people were so supportive and practically had anything you could ever think of to help you keep going. Salt, sweets, IB profin, water, gatorade... they were seriously amazing!

 After we hit the aid station at mile 24.4 I knew only 1.8 to go. I repeated this to myself many times. There was another really big hill right near the end. I was really cursing this hill all the way up. Then we made the turn to a rolling hill road that eventually lead to a very short path to the FINISH! Bryan and I finished right next to each other and cross at 5 hours and 41 minutes. STILL SMILING!

 I told Bryan that was awful but I felt so amazing knowing I finished it. Betty was there waiting with open arms because she is an amazing runner.

 Karrie finished just about 50 seconds in front of us so she was just finishing also. I was so happy to celebrate with all of them.

Overall... I said this was a very humbling and difficult experience  I truly believe that you can push yourself beyond your limits. This was way beyond any limit I thought I could ever reach but I did it. I ran a 26.2 trail marathon and finished.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Week of Thanks... Day 3 (Running Friends)

With the big day fast approaching I started thinking about all the people in my life I am so thankful for. Today I want to say how thankful I am to the running community. I have never met more encouraging people than those who are involved in the running community. Over the past year I have really gotten to know so many more. Here some of those I am oh so grateful for.

All of these guys. Especially my friend Sara who really got be into this whole running thing. Her husband Tim is not in the photo but he has become a really good runner and I am appreciative to him running with me a few times this year. I am not sure if I should thank her or really be mad at her sometimes. As well as Nikki and her husband Brian who have trained and run with me for so many events and have supported me throughout my last 3 years of running. Bryan and John who are also pictured here have been huge supporters of my running since I met them and can't thank them enough. Especially Bryan who is always as crazy as I am and will run on a whim. I can't wait for our next race adventure.

The group listed in the photo below is the Lake County Opportunity Enterprises Chicago Marathon 2012 training group. Each and every person has their own running story but they are all so inspiring and supportive. I barely knew any of them when the summer began and now feel like they such great friends that I am so glad I met this year. I group leader often says we are the Lake County Maffia and once you're in you're in. Honestly I am so glad I am in. These people are amazing! I cannot be more thankful to them for all the fun times we had running this summer. (even if they do harass me for being a Cincinnati fan)
August Group Run

I always say that you need to have a supportive group around and I am so thankful for all of my running friends and their support this last year.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Week of Thanks... Day 2

There are so many things in life to be thankful for...

About a month before I joined at my best friend Kyle's Wedding
Today I thought I would talk about how thankful I am for Weight Watchers...

I joined Weight Watchers Tuesday September 6th, 2008. This is the day my life began to change completely. There were so many things I thought I knew but I really had no idea. This picture was taken almost exactly a month before I joined at one of my really good friends Kyle's wedding.

When I joined weight watchers I was not the heaviest weight I had ever been but I was close.

This seems to show off my heaviest ever weight 
However once I did decided to make the comminittment I never reallized how much the journey would open my eyes and change my life. Although there are so many things I learned from weight watchers so I thought I would share a a "top 10."

1. Portion control is key. Measure everything.
2. Just because you think it is healthy or even if it looks healthy do your research.
3. There are still ways to enjoy things you love you just can't over do anything.
4. You must exercise.
5. Holidays are just holidays. Enjoy the company instead of the food.
6. Being healthy makes me feel better physically. I am less tired and don't get worn down as easily.
7. Fruits and Vegetables are good. Enjoy them.
8. Tracking/keeping track of what you eat will
9. Sometimes you are not hungry... take a drink of water.
10. There really isn't anything I can't do if I set my mind to it.

Since I joined weight watchers that faithful day back in 2008 I have
Lost close to 50 pounds
Ran two marathons
Dozens of half marathons
Inspired many

Indy Monumental Marathon 2011
My life continues to change and evolve much like it did throughout my Weight Watchers journey. Today I try to live my life remembering that it might not be easy but it will be worth it.

So remember this...

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Week of Thanks... Day 1

Since the big Turkey day is this Thursday I thought I would share somethings I am thankful for everyday.

Today I will start with some very seasonal and yummy.

Fresh Cranberries

These little guys are really yummy and resourceful. They pack a ton of flavor for a very little money. I got a whole bag of them at Aldi for $.99. Really all they need is a good boil and some splenda and they are a great treat. However there are many other ideas you can do with these little guys.  Click this link for a ton of the ones I found posted on the Weight Watchers website alone. One of my favorites that uses the canned stuff but is equally yummy... Click here.

This morning I did one of my favorite things with these. I put them in my oatmeal before I put the oatmeal in the microwave with some cinnamon  The cranberries cook up perfect and flavor the oatmeal amazingly. Look how yummy...

My second favorite way to enjoy cranberries is not necessarily with the fresh but with the canned ones. This recipe is courtesy of the best Nanny I know. It is amazing!!

Makes 8 servings

2-4oz boxes of Sugar Free Raspberry Jell-O
1 cup Hot Water
8oz Sour Cream (fat free)
1 Can Whole Cranberries

Mix Jell-O and Hot Water until Jell-O dissolved
Add Can of Whole Cranberries

Divide into two parts- put one part into your casserole dish and into the freezer.

Once it is firm spread sour cream
Then add remaining Jell-O mixture

Sprinkle with pecans. (about 1 oz)

Keep Refrigerated.

Day One... I am thankful for the resourceful cranberries. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Valpo 13.1 Half Marathon Recap

So this year I officially completed a "hand full" of half marathons. The Valpo 13.1 was my 5th and final half marathon for the year.

I first did this race two years ago. Untrained and unprepared. This year when I set out I felt fairly confident. I really do like the Northwest Indiana local races. They are feel like family reunions because I usually know so many of the runners and like this race the support our local community. The Valpo. 13.1 supports the local United Way.

This year though even feeling confident with training I knew though the weather was not going to be my friend. After my injuries from the Chicago marathon I set my goal for this race very easy.
1. Finish
I love the motto that Extra Mile put on the bibs.... couldn't agree more
2. Don't kill myself... since I still have one more race this year and its twice the distance.
3. Be proud no matter what

At the start line I ran into my friend Tom. He was really wanting to get under 2 hours. I told him all he had to do was stay with me and most likely we would finish in under 2 hours since this is my average pace for a half marathon.

The first mile or so the wind seemed to just take an extreme toll on me but I was maintaining an excellent pace. Once we got out toward the airport the wind seemed to calm down quite a bit. Once we  were headed out into the further parts of the race I just knew the wind was not going to be my friend. I still wanted to see how I could push myself without totally giving up. Here I am at mile 6 not totally falling apart yet.

Thanks Valpo Life for capturing this picture and ever better my friend Nora is right there by me in the pink.

At this mile marker I caught up to a fellow runner Diane who was really trying to do under 2 hours. By this time I had long lost my friend Tom who just didn't have his best day. Just after I caught up to Diane who had a pacer with her we made a turn where a fellow runner Dan was out there cheering for us and gave me a big high five. This seemed to give me a resurgance but then the wind after the turn hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt like I was barely even moving. We did finally turn out of the wind but it was blowing practically sideways.

We finally hit mile 8 where some of my favorite cheerleaders were. The Calumet Striders... I loved the boost of energy they gave but as you can see from the photo they snapped I was not feeling it.

By mile 9.5 is when the wind was really just getting the best of me and I decided ok just finish. Until about mile 11 it is a blurr. The last two miles felt worse than the previous 11. Every step and move was felt. Then I made the final turn and I saw the clock I knew I could do under 2 hours which is really what I wanted....

10 out of 42 in age group
270 out of 616

It really is just about finishing and I did. 5 half marathons this year and could not be more proud of all my efforts.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Try Something New Tuesday

Welcome to another try something new Tuesday... today I lived and breathed this.

I am working in South Bend this week and I have been really trying to find ways to stick to my daily food routine... which is not as easily done. Another thing I promised myself was to stick to my running routine since I am running the half marathon in Valparaiso this weekend.

Today I hit the local South Bend Riverside Trail. It is a very nice path that runs along the river. I decided I didn't want to push myself too hard but to just get through about a 4 mile run. One of the nice people I have been working with this week recommended a park to start from since it was right by the trail.

It was really nice fall day. The sun had gone away and there were a few rain drops but the best part about running in the fall is that it is almost never too cold or too hot.

 I even snapped a couple pictures before I turned around to head back to my car.

I decided to continue to new Tuesday day with some new fun finds for dinner. Jimmy Johns had some advertising for delivery to my hotel so I had the vegetarian in a lettuce wrap... I love that they have these wraps. Very low in points and very tasty.

Finally I found this amazing treat. Greek yogurt that taste like key lime and is only 2 points plus. Amazing!

Have you tried anything new lately?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Purdue Calumet Fall Frolic Race Recap

First let me just say I love this race. Well organized every year on a nice November Sunday morning.

I woke up... grabbed a quick granola bar and cup of coffee and made my drive to Hammond. I was so nervous because when I was driving there it started to pour rain...

But nothing will hold me back. Good thing it was perfect when they started the race. The thing I really enjoy about this race is that it is 4 miles. Often times I feel too much pressure by 5K's because they are so short and often ran so fast... but 4 miles seems better.

I started at the start line with my friend Brian and his super fast kids. They bolted at the start so I thought ok see you at the finish. Based on my recent injuries I decided not to try to kill myself. Just before the first turn I saw a fellow competitor in my age group who typically kicks my butt. She was not only kicking my butt... she was pushing a stroller and kicking my butt. WOW! She is amazing.

 At mile 1 I must have forgotten this idea of not killing myself because they volunteer said read 8:00 for my first mile.... but look how happy I look just a few minutes later....

So this is where I was running neck and neck with a fellow runner Tom and I decided just keep going and see what happens. We both said... wow this is rough after 8 miles yesterday....

Then I hit the halfway point and was shocked at my time. Then I hit the the turn around to head back and a guy said wow we are at and 8:16 pace.... I honestly thought to myself.... he must be joking... I can't be doing that. .75 miles later I was about to make the final turn of the race and I was shocked I still looked this happy....

33:20 later I finished. Enough for a pace of 8:20 and 6th place in my age group out of 15... I am more than happy with this. I finished 1:28 faster than I did 2 years ago.

Consistent improvement. Always achieve for more.

Monday, October 29, 2012


I haven't really had much to say lately... I have been slightly injured post Chicago Marathon.

I don't really know how to explain what it is like for someone like me to not be able to run. There are dozens of blogs about running and injuries.

There are a few things I know that running does to for me...
Quiet moments with myself.
Being able to find moments of pride that I don't have to share with anyone but myself.
 The feeling I get just after finishing a good run and feeling so good.
Getting good ideas just because my endorphin's are going.
Being able to set goals higher than I ever imagined achievable.
Allows me to stress less about my weight and more about continuing to achieve something.

I took some time off last week and Sunday was my first run beyond 4 miles and it was 6. So far I do not have a ton of pain but I still feel my body not liking it. So Wednesday I do go to the doctor.

This coming Sunday I am doing my first race post Chicago. I am running in one of my favorite events... the Fall Frolic 4 miler at Purdue Calumet in Hammond, Indiana. The event is special because it was the first ever 4 mile race I ever participated in and so I am very excited to return to the event this year.

Today I saw this... I refuse to give in or give up. I will give it everything I have to continue to stride on. I hope you do to.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wedding Bliss

Last week was a busy but very fun filled week and weekend.

My middle sister Jenna got married.

She was an amazingly beautiful bride. I'm so happy that she was able to marry someone that makes her so happy.
No one can make me cry, make me laugh, make me smile... like she does...

I must admit... This wedding was a really good time. There was so much love and so much happiness. I said in my maid of honor speech that it was an honor to be there and celebrating her special day.
Confetti snow angels... you mean you don't do this at weddings?

The best part was there were so many people there that I had not seen in a long time and we had an amazing time celebrating Jenna and Ricky's big day. Just like them they made their wedding as fun as they are. They even had the photo booth which was one of the funniest and most entertaining parts of the night.

We danced a lot... I even earned 17 activity points with my according to my active link.

 It really was an amazing day to celebrate with not only my sister but one of my very best friends.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Try Something New Tuesday...Yoga

Yes I did... I tried something new today.

So this lady here is my Mom...yes I still listen to her as if I am a teenage girl and she will yell at me if I don't. I also know she is not a fan of boring exercise  She is thinks running is crazy... but is absolutely so supportive of my running adventures. So she said especially knowing I am injured and bummed... YOGA Deanna... YOGA...

So I give you try something new Tuesday... Yoga.

One thing that running has given me is drive. I refuse to think I couldn't have done something today. So at the recommendation of a friend I headed to Yoga by Gretchen in Hobart. I was very nervous because I hate the thought of just being quiet with myself in a room full of strangers. Being quiet and having time to think during a run is great but I wasn't sure how I would feel about yoga. So when I arrived the girl said this particular class is "You call it yoga"... which today was "hard."  I had already drove there so I figured what the heck. Well she was right... I couldn't even do everything they were doing but I must admit... I liked it. It felt good to step out of my comfort zone and do something different. I also liked this class because it was a combination of weights and yoga. They also played some up beat music and really made it fun. I like that they also offer so many different classes that you don't just have to do Yoga there. I'm not sure how I will feel tomorrow but I'm hoping glad I went to the class.

When was the last time you forced yourself to try something you thought you would totally hate but then actually liked?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pain... No gain

They say no pain no gain...

Well when there is pain.. There comes a time when you have to recognize it...

Today, I Deanna Grimes admit... I am injured. I must not run and must rest.

I am not happy about this but it must be done. My knee could not handle anymore today and the back side of my ankle aka... my Achilles tendon are just plain killing me.  I don't think there is anything worse for a runner than shutting it down. I know this is the only thing that help. There are so many things we can control but injuries just happen. So when times get tough the tough have to get going and I have to make action plans.

I tell those struggling all the time that you have to continue to fight and you must never give up. Besides...

I'm not dead.
I'm not hospitalized... yet
I am strong and willing to fight.

So I am making a plan B and trying to figure out every workout possible that does not involve my lower body.

When was the last time you were forced into plan B?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Favorites Friday

Here is what I love today...

Canned Pumpkin...
I love this stuff. My favorite is as always to put it in my oatmeal with some cinnamon or even some pumpkin pie spice if you have some. However there are several other good uses... Click this link for the Hungry Girl Article about all the amazing ideas she has.

Post Marathon Running
Most runners who run are almost always training for something or staying in good running shape for an upcoming event. One week post marathon it feels good to just be out doing whatever feels good. This week I did almost all short distance running and felt like I remember all over again why I love running.

Laughing at myself
I do this often.

Today I am totally laughing at my pictures where I look totally miserable at the Chicago Marathon and

others where I am totally soaking it in and actually enjoying the race to its full extent.

Today I leave you with this...