Sunday, March 25, 2012


March Photo Challenge Day 25: Breakfast

Who doesn't love breakfast? Today I didn't know this would be the topic from my blog but here was my pre-run breakfast

Pre-Run Breakfast
2 pieces healthy life bread
2 tbsp PB2
1 small banana
1 Quaker Granola Bar (Oatmeal Raisin)

Obviously not my favorite breakfast but the perfect balance when headed out for a run. Sometimes I double up on my PB2... today I forgot.

I didn't have coffee before my run today because I didn't get my butt out of bed quickly enough.

During the run I had about 5 pieces of these. I love them and they don't bother my stomach when I run. One of things I also really like about eating the Mangoes is that they are actual food. Many runners like chomps, jelly beans, candy or even gu but they are just not easy enough of my stomach.

Here was my post 12 mile run breakfast
1 Gatorade Recover Mango-Pineapple flavor (I do not recommend) The other berry flavor I had was much better. This kind said it had real fruit flavors. Well they were gross.
1 cup of coffee with 2.5oz of Almond Milk (this is my new favorite coffee creamer substitute)

What did you have for breakfast today?
What is your favorite breakfast?


  1. Actually had my normal weekday breakfast because I knew I would be eating out for lunch: Granola bar, banana, and glass of water. Went out for a 10 mile bike ride with my wife afterwards.

    Favorite at home breakfast: homemade breakfast bowl of hash browns, scrambled eggs, and turkey sausage.

    Favorite eating out breakfast: pancakes and bacon from any Greek-style restaurant.

  2. I love the pumpkin pancakes at Ihop in the fall... OOO YUM.

  3. Hi Deanna! Wow, your "before" and "after" pictures are so inspiring! Keep up the good work :)
