Friday, March 2, 2012

February Ends and March Begins

So the final photo of the day for February was something your listening to. Here is a god awful self portrait but what it represents is that I am really focusing on listening to myself. I really struggle at times with eating when not hungry. So I have really began to focus on listening to myself.

Do find it easy to listen to your body?

I also have made Thursday's "No meat" days. It is still really important to get in protein so check out yesterday's lunch! Have you ever enjoyed a non meat day? What is your favorite meal?
Quninoa, Black Beans and Broccoli topped with Salsa

March Begins so it is time to set goals. The photo challenge will continue into March. Here are some of my March goals.
1. Complete the photo a day challenge.
2. Continue to focus on listening to my body
3. No pop! More Water! (My Lenten commitment)
4. Continue on my running plan so I do well at my half marathon in March

What are your goals for March?

Photo Challenge March:
Day 1: Up
Lets face it I get up early. I do love a really nice sunrise (even if it is over a freeway). It really makes me appreciate the simple things in life.

Day 2: Fruit Oh Banana how I love you! You will accompany my breakfast of oatmeal very well.

What is your favorite fruits? How do you enjoy them?


  1. For lent I have given up peanut butter since it is my late night weakness. I also gave up oreo cookies because I knew those would replace my peanut butter and bread (with a talk glass of milk) urges.

    I eat a banana almost every morning but I love making fruit salad with green grapes, strawberries, watermelon, and kiwi. I can usually go to Sam's club and get all four even in the winter.

  2. Wow peanut butter is really hard to give up and Oreos are so yummy so those are great commitments for lent.
