Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A sign

Photo Challenge Day 13: A sign

When I saw this topic today I was going to take a picture of a stop sign because I often think that is what we need to tell ourselves sometimes. STOP and reassess a situation. Sometimes I wonder if I should just put one on my refrigerator. Although I also feel like we need it when we make excuses. "Too tired to workout, don't feel like cooking, I am sure I will gain anyway." This week we talked about eliminating negative thoughts. I really challenge you to keep track when you start to feel those negative thoughts and keep track of them so you can better assess a situation. So STOP... these were my thoughts until....

When I got home tonight I read this online...

This is very compelling and absolutely true. I do think it is important to recognize when we do well. Some of the rewards I really like is doing something you really enjoy... For example get a massage/pedicure/haircut take a day/weekend trip, buying something you have been wanting (like really cute shoes). No matter what remember that food didn't get you to this goal so try not to reward yourself with it.

What kind of rewards have you given yourself for your success?


  1. For every 10 pounds I lose I am getting a full body massage.

  2. AFter reading your sign above I thought of putting up a sign in my pantry (near the peanut butter and the Oreos) that said CAUTION: WIDE LOAD

  3. That's funny. At least mentally right?
