Monday, March 26, 2012

What is the key?

March photo challenge day 26: Key

Here are the keys to my life

Car Key: Gets me where I need to go. Sometimes it seems like you will never get to your goal. What are you will to do to get there. Sometimes this key is misplaced and we forget where we are going. Here something to remember..."Action is the foundational key to all success" Pablo Picasso
What actions are you willing to take tomorrow?

House Key: The one place we can control. This should be the place we set ourselves up for the most success.
"Love begins by taking care of the closest ones-the ones at home" Mother Teresa
This includes yourself. Love yourself. Take care of yourself.
Believe you can achieve.

Lifetime member Key: "Success comes in all sizes. So whatever you attempt, regardless of the task at hand, do it the best that anyone has ever seen" Napoleon Hill.
The final key I always carry around is the key Weight Watchers gave me the day I became a lifetime member. It took a lot of hard work and commitment to receive. This key cannot be bought and it doesn't open one single thing. It represents a major commitment and has forever changed my life. What are you willing to commit to get the final key to complete your ring of keys?

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