Saturday, March 31, 2012

Where do you relax?

March Photo Challenge Day 31: Where you relax

I can't believe today is the last day of March. The word relax is something I rarely have time for. So for me it is not necessarily where but what...

A Cup of green tea... The one I am having here is the blueberry flavor by Celestial Seasonings. I love their tea. Great flavors and taste. They often taste like a treat and they are zero calories. Double yum.

I also really like to read if I am relaxing. I really love that now days we have so many options. I do like being able to have the option of not buying a book. I just finished the audible version of the first Hunger Games book and now I am reading an electronic version of book two in the series...

Do you read? Which method? What is the last book you really enjoyed?

Today I am relaxing because tonight I am headed to this....


  1. I read all 3 of the books in 2 days haha. I had the ebook versions of those, but I have a ton of real books. We got ereaders because we're severely lacking space for real books. I listen to books when I'm crocheting, if I have the audio version, and I used to listen to them at work at my desk haha.

  2. I am really enjoying the book I am reading right now, Alyssa Milano's book about baseball. I have a huge personal library of books so for now I am sticking with the traditional method.
